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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Betty, Have a click on this link The side trim on the MK1 is a likey to be a bit different on the one pictured, but the idea is essentially the same - you want to get behind the fuse area to the relays behind. hey would just like to say thanks for every1s help i have got it sorted it was the relay 30 which cost
  2. thanks for the reply, the two keys i have one unlocks the door but dosent start the car and the other starts the car but dosent lock the door if that makes sence lol, what is the best thing for me to do then? i know u say be perpared to folk out some money so i take it its going to be alot which i cannot afford at the moment , should i have got a remote key with it when i brought the car? i really dont know what to do now y r cars so much headache??
  3. thanks for replying but i dont have them keys i just have a normal key for the door and another normal key to start the car iv had the car a year now with no problems and i have been driving it with the normal car key, the dash ignition lights do come on when i turn the key it does try to turn over but nothing but no the lights on the dash dont go dim, as for the LED lights on the door they never stop flashing when i 1st put the key and turn it the LED lights r just on then they start to flash and wont stop, as for everything else ie fuel pump they are all fine, i have been told i can go to a ford garage and order a key from them but not sure if thats true
  4. hey i have a 1998 ford galaxy 2.0 i cant get it to start the LED lights keep flashing on the drivers door and it just wont start, i dont have them keys every1 talking about with the chip in side just a normal car key,pls help this keeps happening but now it hasnt started for 2 days thanks
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