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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 19 TDI 2003
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  • Region
    South East

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  • Interests
    Snowboarding, shooting, swimming, gym and ladies.....

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. People, thank you for all your replies. The name is a life long nickname because I did and still do look like Zammo (but not now he is a massive pie eater lol). I'm calling Midland turbo on Monday to see if the turbo was set up ready for my car so hopefully it was as it was a right bitch to get out and I really don't fancy having to do that again!!! I'll also have a play with the Vagcom on the move and see if it can throw any light onto the situation... Will keep you posted, and remember: 'Just say No'.........
  2. Gents (and ladies). I've just fitted a new recon turbo after the old one packed up but the new one just isn't working quite as it should! For a start there's now a strange intermittent rattle noise coming from the passenger side of the engine bay however I am unable to trace exactly where it's coming from. However, my biggest concern is that when under load the turbo seems to stutter. I don't notice anything strange at lower speeds and light acceleration but only when i give it a little umph. It begins to boost then drops off for a split second, then boosts gain and so on and so on....it's not a sharp aggressive jolt but more a smooth and gradual on and off. I've been told that it may be the turbo waste gate but have no idea how I would check this. I have plugged in Vagcom but there are no fault codes being thrown what-so-ever. I've not checked Vagcom whilst actually driving as I'm not sure how to do it! Finally, I thought I'd see if the MAF sensor was nice and clean but have found the most stupid torx bolts only have 5 little star points on as opposed to my 6 point tool bits! Any help and advice will be great fully recieved Cheers Zammo
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