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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy Aspen

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  1. Checked Fuses / Wiring in door jam - nothing blown or broken.......THEN spotted a loose rectangular multi-pin plug just above the fuses on RHS....pushed it home firmly until it Clicked home .....all working again.
  2. My 2000 Alhambra has remote central locks.....but both back doors are staying locked. The tailgate / both front doors & fuel cap are unlocking. The car battery did run flat and the remotes (20 started acting up so I re-coded them. Car LOCKS ok.......but when you press UNLOCK the interior light comes on and the turn signals flash.....but doors only unlock after a delay. The doors unlock with the key - but back doors remain locked. Scanned the memeory with VAG-COM and found no faults? Where should I start checking ?
  3. Found the sensor - looks like a bulb for a dashboard light plugged ito the Pass side of teh fron bumper beside the Fog Light. The holder pulled out from the back and repaired a broken connection. All back to normal now...........Now I need to find the FROST detection sensors as these appear to be acting up.
  4. My 2000 Alhambra (Galaxy / Sharan) Tdi Auto is working OK with a rebuilt box....but does not change up to 4th gear until approx. 50 mph. ..and I am advised that the current problem is probably due to an ECU that is starting to "fail"....? A new ECU is about 600 euro........Does anyone on teh forum know a service to rebuild / recondition Auto Gearbox ECU's for these cars?
  5. My 110 bhp Galaxy (year 2000) with climate control dispalys the outside temperature in teh dispaly unit. Recently it varies wildly from the normal 10 degrees currentlty to -40 and back again. Is this likely to be a control problem or a sensor problem. Also where is the sensor located?
  6. Apart from Ford / VW / Seat dealers.....is there any aftermarket or alternate component which can be used to replace a faulty Interior Alarm Sensor located in the B-Pillar?
  7. I have a printout from VW showing the Three-Letter Code Identifier for 4-sped autoboxes for my 110 bhp tdi (Alhambra) car. According to the printout (VW) it should be either DNP with a QADC or QADD converter......or EQP with a QCDD converter... Is this correct or is there another combination fitted to Galaxy cars? Thanks in advance... :ph34r:
  8. You should be able to pick up a complete drive shaft assy from a breakers yard for this car. If it is like my automatic the inner CV is held on to a drive flange beside the diff housing by 6 multipoint bolts. The mid-shaft bearing is bolted to teh Alloy support housing by two M8 nuts / bolts. and the outer CV is held into the disc / hub assy by a large bolt in the centre of the hub. You will need to pop the bottom ball joint out to swing the suspension out of the way to get the outer CV from teh hun abd to pull the shaft assy out of the car. Alos I suggest you gte new splined head bolts to re-attache the inner CV as these WILL be a nightmare if the spline socket slips when installing them !
  9. I purchased a 3rd party serial cable for VAG COM on ebay for approx. 20 euro. I tested this with the shareware version of VAG COM downloaded for free from Ross-Tech Version 409.1 .. It worked but you do not have full functionallity with free version. Later purchased Software Only Vag Com from Ross Tech and it works fine with the 3rd party interface cable - but will not set any land speed records. As I have 3 ~ 4 VAG cars around the place now - I will probably buy a cable from RT this year as I have enough use for the package.
  10. Change from 1st to 2nd is good ...........used to be severe thump........... Robbs Garage is in WIRRAL Merseyside area .......don't have the number to hand ...check yell.com.......................JT AUtomatics (also very helpful) are in ERITH (Kent)on the east side of London...off the M25
  11. The grating problem was caused by a problem with the Lock Up circuit in the Valve Body. The VB was repaired by Robbs Garage in the Wirral near Liverpool.....re-installed valve and reset the gearbox with VAG-COM ....all seems to be ok now.
  12. Have a 2000 Tdi with 4-speed auto. replaced the box and ecu ....plus recon torque converter. the replacement box works ok with a little bang from 1st to 2nd... But soon afterwards ende dup witjh grating noise at low speed. Traced problem to Valve Body problem (by swoppig the old valve body into the newer box)..........Got ROBBS GARAGE in teh Wirral to check the valve body ---- problem found with Lock Up in valve body and fixed the problem. Re-installed the repaired valve body and RESET the Gearbox with VAG-COM ...alll seems to work well now. DID you have the gearbox RESET with VAG-COM after teh box was changed ... IF not I suspect you will have problems..........Also you can call Robbs Garaged and describe the probvlem and see if they can advise on the problem - They are very helpful.
  13. I have a TDI auto and may change to manual if the gearbox cann be economically repaired. You will need all the parts you listed and may also require the main ECU from the donor vehicle plus the VIN / Chassis number to get the secuirty code from the main dealer....to recode the immob system.
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