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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About TonyD

  • Birthday 10/10/1979

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 2.3
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South West

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  • Interests
    Rally co driving,<br />Tropical fishkeeping,<br />Endurance racing,<br />Motorsport event organising

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Member (2/8)



  1. I've changed the large bushes at the top of the strut, that sit inside the turret. There's no play in the 'plate' that sits on top, inside the engine bay. I had a bit of hard time changing the bushes. In the end I cut a spark plug socket in half and welded a bar to it. Then I used a small bar and an allen key and hey presto! I was expecting something to break; but I was pleasantly surprised when nothing broke!
  2. If a ball joint had play in it would it show up in the MoT? I've jacked the car up and there is no play in the wheels at all. If it's dry tomorrow I'll take a look at the anti-roll bar bushes and may change them.
  3. Scotland North East North West Biscuit Stevie G. Teresaq22003 Wood73 Ashypd51 Yorkshire jkspoff (yes) HullHornet#30 Midlands Stevie G. Anadin Bleeno. Teresaq22003 twinks Paul123 Wales. Wood73 TonyD East Anglia. Katman NorwichBlueNose South East. galaxy99(yes) marty16610 Keebs67 El Dingo (yes) Faz mk2ghiatdi South West. mumof4(yes..regional and national) AndeeeH El Dingo (Yes) Adrianf JohnR
  4. I've changed both top mounts; everything is nice and tight; and there is no play at all. The clonking noise continues. Could it be down to anti-roll bar bushes? The noise and the shudder through the entire car is incredible; I don't know if a couple of knackered bushes could create so much noise?
  5. I've checked the engine for any movement; I can't see any excessive movement; there's hardly any movement at all.
  6. Thanks, I'll go and check it, I'll post my findings soon.
  7. A friend suggested that I check some sort of stabiliser bar between the gearbox and the chassis. I don't know what the hell he's going on about but I guess it's worth a look. The knocking on my Galaxy is so severe at the moment that it sends a shudder through the whole car! Whatever it is. it isn't afftecting the handling.
  8. I think I'll crawl under the Galaxy first thing in the morning. I'd rather try to refit it than open a whole can of worms! Thanks for the advice. Now where did I put the bolts?
  9. Sorry for being a bit stupid; what can happen if I leave the undertray off my Galaxy? I removed mine t change the oil and didn't refit it.
  10. That's cured it! Thanks!
  11. Have you seen the weird little sockets you can buy - usually from pound shops etc. - with loads of magnetic pins inside that push in. They're meant to be good for removing bolts with knackered heads etc. I've heard that they are useful for removing locking wheel nuts if you have lost your locking wheel nut key. It might be worth a try?
  12. Thanks AD8 I'll give it a try after a cuppa.
  13. I found out what was causing the excessive play in the strut top - the top mount was fitted upside down! My Galaxy has only just passed an MoT; surely the anti-roll bar bushes would have been checked as part of the test? I'm wondering if there could be something more serious wrong with my Galaxy? I can't see any signs underneath of the car being repaired after an accident etc. The Galaxy also handles very well; very well for its size in any case. Anyone got any suggestions? Please?
  14. Thanks for that. I'll give it a go later!
  15. My 1998 Galaxy 2.3 developed a very loud knocking noise from the front end recently. Someone suggested that the front drop links should be changed. I changed the front drop links but the knocking sound continued. The Galaxy promptly failed its MoT test with excessive play at the top of the passenger side front strut top. I was told to change the top mount and all would be fine. I have changed the top mount; the Galaxy passed the MoT re-test; but the knocking noise remains! What else do I have to change on my Galaxy to cure this knocking noise??? Any ideas please? Thanks, Tony
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