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Everything posted by zlorfik

  1. Just tried removing the mirror (taping the holes on the pillar to set the surface straight). The wind noise fades, but doesn't disappear. So I guess in my case the issue is not the mirror, but some other assembly... I'm starting to believe my car is doomed. ;)
  2. Thanks Mirez... I've been wondering for long time to replace mirrors with the sharan's smaller ones... had never done it because wasn't sure, and didn't want to lose money for nothing. Now I have a good reason to try... I'll tell you how it ended up. ;)
  3. My mk2 galaxy was simply perfect... till I had a big crash (not my fault) a couple of years ago. Since then, the frustrating wind noise on the driver door, I believe due to the fact that the bonnet (or some other thing near it) is not perfectly symmetric. Could it be? I have tried everything so far, no result at all. I have found LOTS of threads about this issue over the internet forums, but NONE had the solution!!! :) :) :)
  4. Hello! So, for anybody could be interested, my problem turned out (hopefully) to be the alternator itself. In fact, after 1500 km the new alternator broke down, too. Replaced with another one (same model, bosch)... the relay is not buzzing anymore. So far it has run for about another 1500 km, and it seems to be all functional ("toccando ferro", is it "touch wood" in english? :) ) . The relay 98 was there because it was supposed to connect the second battery (under the passenger seat) to the auxiliary heater. But for a few months it was fitted also in cars without the second battery (like mine), in that case it connects the main battery circuit. The clic-clac could be due to the fact that the blue wire coming out of the alternator (the Terminal 61) has no power to keep the relay steady, or some similar issue. Hope it can be useful! :)
  5. Just tested the diode - it's ok. By the way, removing the relay on the slot 10a, besides the relay for dual horn (i believe it is J586 "Temperature switch relay (additional heater)") there is no more 12V on pin 30 of relay 19... but it continues to make noise! :D
  6. Hi, thanks, no fault code at all... I will check the diode, but i'm pretty sure it's ok, in fact the relay itself does work, the issue is that it links tho wires one with Vcc and the other with Gnd. So I guess the problem is the circuit after the relay, maybe the (in)famous connection 61! PS just changed the fuse box near the battery under the bonnet, with the main wire which goes to the interior, to the GEM. It was melted, and the wire was far over 100 degrees!
  7. Hi, I have exactly the same problem. Same vehicle (italian version, I'm from Italy, which means it has a different name but it's basically the same), same engine AUY 115, same relay number and position. I found it making a "click-clack-click-clack" continuous noise after changing a faulty alternator, just to find that alternator does not charge when it's making noise, and that it burnt the new alternator mounted after a couple of days. Removed the relay, all is working fine. I mean ALL! All electrical stuff, clima, dash, heater, lights, fans, cigarette lighter, all works fine EXCEPT the additional heater which I have no way to try out, because it's not cold enough!!! I've spent my time on it for a few days, and found out that the pin 30 of the relay, which should be the "Connection (61), in dash panel wiring harness", has 12 Volts when the dash is on... and the relay connects the pin 30 with the 87, which is ground... short circuit and alternator not charging anymore. But have no idea where the wire number 30 goes... elsawin and tis have no clear diagram, and you already know it's not supposed to be there... So, did you find out what was the problem? I'm tempted to leave the relay removed forever... :D PS sorry for my English, it's the best I can do!
  8. Hello folks, I'm new here... well, I've signed some time ago but never posted anything. I hope you will forgive my english, you know, I'm from Italy... I own a Galaxy MKII year 2000, bought new, and I'm still enjoying it! :D
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