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  1. Hi folks, Well not good news I'm afraid, so far anyway! I've put up with this for over a year and 20K miles. However last week started additionaly having difficlutly changing down through the gears. Spoke to another chap who suggested changing the fluid and adding some additives, however whilst on route to Audi whlist sat in traffic in neutral tried to engage first-nothing! No gears at all. Switched off igniton exactly the same problem? Forced the stick and it just would not go into gear, note engine was off. All off a sudden managed to get it into reverse, started up car thinking it was first and almost hit the vehicle behind, hey presto gears return but have to push stick hard to select gears. Drove to garage bought oil, but on way home exactly the same thing happened, but this time I was doing about 45 on the dual carriage way and lost all gears whilst trying to change from 5 to 6. Fortunately rolled into the layby, and same thing, engine off no gears, then all of a sudden they came back. Started up and drove home where I've parked up and not moved the car since! All the time the clutch pedal has felt exactly the same so I dont believe it is hydraulic at all. I now believe it may be the box, although some one has mentioned checking linkages first. I've been quoted
  2. Hi Did you get anywhere with this?? Sid
  3. Hi As mentioned above, had similar problems ( I have another thread open which I will update too) which I've put up with for over a year and 20K miles. However last week started additionaly having difficlutly changing down through the gears. Spoke to another chap who suggested changing the fluid and adding some aadditives, however whilst on route to Audi whlist sat in traffic in neutral tried to engane first-nothing! No gears at all. Switched off igniton exactly the same problem? Forced the stick and it just would not go into gear, note engine was off. All off a sudden managed to get it into reverse, started up car thinking it was first and almost hit the vehicle behind, hey presto gears return. Drove to garage bought oil, but on way home exactly the same thing happened, but this time I was doing about 50 on the dual carriage way and lost all gears whilst trying to change from 5 to 6. Fortunately rolled into the layby, and same thing, engine off no gears, then all of a sudden they came back; started up and drove home where I've parked up and not moved the car since! All the time the clutch pedal has felt exactly the same so I dont believe it is hydraulic at all. I now believe it may be the box, although some one has mentioned checking linkages first. I've been quoted
  4. Hi All! Well over a year and 20K+ miles still have this problem, and I've chnaged the above (all components) twice!! Save your money and dont get the bits again. I've read something about the gearbox housing, mentioned on another forum, but could not find any further info. TBH thats the only thing i have not tried? Sid 1.9Tdi 53 plate
  5. Guess what chaps, it's back...Sticking in first and reverse! New complete clutch kit lasted what just over a month! It must be the box then? :)
  6. Hi Mate, Check this thread: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry82231 I had exactly the same on an Alhambra 54' and it was the wire split. Sid
  7. Finally sorted!!! :25: DMF was shot, filings everywhere. Clutch and plate seemed fine, although few small marks, but changed as box was off. Car now drives fines, no more lazy pedal either! Just to confirm, changed DMF, complete clutch and CSS. Did not bother with master cyl as that can easily be accessed later. Sid Galaxy '03 1.9tdi
  8. Thanks for info, I too will come back with any info! Sid
  9. Thanks for coming back Daniel. I can't figure out how it can be the parts, as on occasion it's fine, like this weekend all gears were fine, hardly ever had any probs getting first or reverse, and ultimately, no probs getting out of gears. Neither did I experience the drag. However now it's back to its old self again! I rang Eurocar parts and they agreed to refund on old parts if i send them all back, but I had to buy all new bits again-
  10. Lazy pedal seems to have almost corrected itself! much better now, although still a pain randomly selecting first and reverse. Finally hopefully plan to take car back into garage this coming Saturday for full clutch change, but that's anohet troy and anothr post-Weird Clutch.. Sid
  11. Ok, garage bled system using vacuum pump, no changIf We now notice that the gears seemed engaged even when clutch is pressed fully down!? iF I stick it in first, second, third or fourth and press the clutch down and keep foot on accelerator, car continues to drive? Now I am thinking faulty bits!
  12. Thanks Was. I'm not keen on swapping out all the stuff again as that means double labour cost. However, that's what my mechanic said, faulty bits. I'm gonna try and drain and refresh the fluid and try bleeding once more, if not swap out! BTW bits came from euro car parts.
  13. Firstly happy new year all! Well my gear change issues are back ;) Tricky getting first and reverse, although if you try selecting another gear first then select first or reverse it's fine. On other occasions first and reverse selection is ok?? And quite often when first and reverse has been selected its very difficult to change gear without brute force. However saying that, first is usually ok as long as you are moving, but reverse is painful? Could I have not bled it thoroughly enough? Just to repeat, I've changed dmf,clutch-complete, master and slave cylinder. Thanks
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