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Everything posted by ninjakev

  1. Another update............. I have replaced the battery and it is now turning over much more crisply (the old one's indicator was black, which according to the technobabble meant it was poorly). After fitting the new battery, the next (very cold) morning I started it immediately after the glowplug warning light went out (which is what I've always done) and it still spluttered and chugged a bit, accompanied a bit later by lots of smoke. I shut it down straight away, then left it for 10 minutes whereby I turned the key again and waited a good 20 seconds after the glowplug lamp went off and it started perfectly. I was always of the opinion that these beasts could be started as soon as the glowplug lamp went off, but maybe I've been doing it wrong for the last 3 years, although saying that it has been getting bad over the last 6 months, so maybe the battery was kyboshed after all. In addition I've given it some diesel injector treatment and that seems to have improved things more. I thought about dirty glowplug relay contacts - I know it doesn't take much in the way of contact burn to reduce the current delivered and since the car is over 3 years old this could be a possibility. Any more ideas would be greatly received.
  2. Righto...........here's an update. I've tested all the glowplugs and all four of them have a resistance of 0.8-0.9 ohms. As a matter of course I replaced them all with new from a local supplier (slight difference in part number but assured they were for a 1.9 TDI) and it's still chugging on a cold start with the same amount of unburnt fuel spewing out the exhaust. If I do the ignition key-on, key-off thing 3 or 4 times it starts perfectly, but is still quite slow-ish to turnover. I still reckon it's the battery - despite previous advice I'll have spent
  3. Righto, my local Delphi stockist is quoting
  4. Thanks for the replies folks........sorry, but I cannot send hobnobs by post - they don't travel well unfortunately. If you really want your hobnobs then you'll have to drop by :wub: Once the initial starting chug is over, it runs faultlessly I'm thinking I'll replace the battery first anyway and see how that goes, then if it's still chuggy then I'll get the dealer to check the glowplugs when it gets serviced.
  5. I think the battery is maybe going duff (it's over 3 years old), but I can't understand why that would make it "chug". BTW it's my first diesel so I'm open to more suggestions!
  6. I've tried searching the archives, but to no avail, so here goes..............my 2003 TDI 130 is getting more difficult to start, more especially with the colder weather. I let the glowplugs warm up sufficiently, but it still chugs on start-up, with a large puff of blue/white smoke almost like it's running on 3 or less pots. I've tried giving it a squirt of throttle when it fires, but that makes no difference. It's got 48700 miles on it and it's due a service in 1300 miles, so due I get the garage to give it an injector clean or is it something more sinister?? Any help will be deserving of a chocolate hobnob!
  7. Just had 40k service and cam belt change on our 2003 TDI 130 - total cost was 431 of your earth pounds, which I thought was pretty reasonable. Also had the recall work for the dual mass flywheel done - does anyone know if this work included fitting a new clutch? Reason I ask is the invoice stated a 'clutch repair kit' amongst other items but the service reception girl wasn't too sure. It has to go back in for a new CV joint boot (the parts are on back-order) but this is covered under warranty......phew - it runs out at end of next month :lol: lets hope they get the parts soon :D .....EDIT.....Just checked the recall section - the clutch was replaced.......must remember to use the 'Search' facility more often
  8. Autoglym used to do a tar spot remover - don't know if they still do, but I use WD40 nowadays. And as for fly splats I use baby wipes.
  9. Never came across a TDI that accelerates briskly :unsure: most of them have plastic sheds stuck on their rear end and cant :lol: You haven't seen my Galaxy TDI with 160 bhp and oodles more torque than a V6 then! Shame that.............I'll see you disappear in my rear view mirror cos I don't tow a plastic shed :lol:
  10. I bought GSMGuy's speedbuster and can honestly say it was the best
  11. Our Sept '03 TDI 130 has just gone through 30,000 miles and has 80% front pad wear and 90% rear pad wear according to the service just done. Guess it has a lot to do with the way you drive and the types of journey you do.
  12. Had my drop links replaced for the second time at 30,000 service. Now have an annoying knock/rattle from within front passenger door :D but it's not there all the time.
  13. I'm worried now - just had major 30,000 mile service for fixed price of
  14. Absolutely correct on that. Realised after we bought it what the badges signified
  15. My 53 plate had both drop links replaced at 14000 miles :o And the lacquer is bubbling and coming off my wheels - back to dealer methinks. Apart from that it's been good - now at 20500 miles :lol:
  16. Had the same confusion when we bought ours - kept coming up on insurers system as a 115, even on Ford's own system. It's definitely a 130 though, of that there in no doubt and didn't cost any extra anyway.........helps being over 35 :lol:
  17. Hows about some nice bull bars then ? :angry:
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