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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    ford galaxy 1.9TDi ghia x
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  • Region
    South East

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  • Location
    Gillingham, Medway towns.

smudge110175's Achievements


Newbie (1/8)



  1. Thanks chris will give them a ring and will try parts gateway once i got the part number as have found there was 3 different types used:(
  2. Hi Guys/gals Can anyone help i need a turbo for my R plate galaxy 1.9tdi ghia x but not sure where to start. The happy man at fords qouted me
  3. Hi Autumn, As long as the remote fob keys are for the barrels fitted it may be just a matter of reprogramming the remote fobs to the car. If the remote keys dont start the car then you will probably have to replace the keyfobs :angry2:. Have a play around with em because unlocking the doors deactivates the alarm i believe.
  4. Thanks Chris, Seems as i suspected, as you live near me do you know of anywhere i can get a new/used turbo from at reasonable price
  5. Hi all, I have an R plate 1.9 tdi with a problem please help if you can. Yesterday whilst exiting a motorway my engine revs shot through the roof with loads of smoke which i believe was oil burning i pulled over switched off the ignition but the revving continued for near on a minute then died. After a few minutes i restarted the car with no problem but it was still giving smoke as i gingerly pulled away the revs again went thru the roof and would not slow until ignition was off and bonnet opened no smoke in the engine bay thankfully but i am thinking is this a turbo problem as it seems to happen when the turbo usually cuts in but i not to sure about the smoke and burning oil smell as i am only a starter in the world of diesels any input would be much apprieciated. Terry.
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