Hi, I spent lot of time browsing the net for idea how to connect my mp3 player to CD6000 head unit. In old car I had a cassette adapter and it worked fine. CD changer connector in 6000 unit is not usable because audio inputs are not unbalanced but balanced meaning you have to use impedance transformer or two wires for signal plus ground; also it is hard to enable inputs without ACP signal active on connector. Here is link to back panel connectors: http://www.mirez.co.uk/Radio.htm. Then I looked inside the 6000 head unit (yes, I opened it) and found unbalanced audio outputs from CD unit (near flat cable connecting CD with main unit), then a little soldering work to connect signals to external 3.5 mm or chinch connector. This procedure explains how to connect in parallel audio outputs from CD unit and external MP3 player. Now you will have to record audio CD with silence, and play it in CD unit together with your MP3 player. Since signals are in parallel, and CD gives nothing but silence, you will be able to hear music from MP3 player. When you have a regular audio CD, just turn off the mp3 player and play audio CD in your CD6000 unit. Good luck and let me know if more details are needed.