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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by shanec

  1. Hi folks, my galaxy 2004 1.9 tdi 115 is losing power. it only loses power once i would go over 3000 revs or in top gear around 60/65 mph. once i turn the ignition off and on again it resets back to normal. the diagnostic guy told me it was the boost valve but i took one of another car and tried it, but my car is still doing the same. could it be something else to do with the turbo valve or something1 thanks in advance again folks
  2. Hi guys, My 2004 1.9 galaxy is heating. when i was driving i noticed that the temp hand was rising above 90. it continued until it reached its max at 130 and the warning light came on. is it likely that it could be the thermostat sensor or could it be a cracked head. the heaters in the car are also blowing out cold air. we're not losing any coolant, would this rule out a cracked head. Thanks in advance folks!!
  3. as someone once said...... Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C When you sing you begin with do-re-mi Do-re-mi, do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be Do-re-mi, do-re-mi come on kev sing along you know the words ;) rear door or rear hatch? rear door!
  4. Hi Guys! I have took a look at the rear door panel on my ford galaxy 2004 zetec. I didn't attemt to remove it yet without a bit of feed back from the forum. Could anyone advise me on removing it, or where to start. thanks in advance Shane.
  5. exact same thing happened me yesterday, the car had been making a funny noise for a couple of days then the pulley came of the alternator. Luckily enough i got another alternator at handy money and replaced the old one and belt. running sweet now.
  6. this can also be the feeling you get if the rear tyres are under inflated. i felt that when i first got my galaxy, once i pumped the tyres that was the end of it!
  7. My galaxy has been losing power once i go over a certain RPM. a mate of mine put in on his diagnostic computer and it has showed up a fault on the boost valve. i have took a look around the engine but cant locate the boost valve. could anyone tell me where to find it? 1.9 galaxy, 2004 115bhp. feedback very much appreciated, thanks, shane.
  8. Hi guys just new to the forum, could anyone tell me the location, or where i would find the boost valve on my 2004 galaxy?
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