hi guys. sorry in advance if posting wrong. i got a mate of mine who used to work on cars to fix my brake switch problem. now working. here is my original post. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=19244 but since then i have other problems, which has developed. i guess i will have to go to rip off dealers soon to try to fix. here is what is now happening. when starting glow plug stays on (i start car after about 3 secs. however i have let it go untill 20secs and it still stays on. i know this will burn them out leaving them on) this happens even if car is hot. also it is now ticking over at about 1400 revs. when i put foot on clutch it goes down to about 1000 revs but when lift off clutch it returns to 1400 revs. also when i go over about 3000 revs it loses power. in 2,3,4 gear. (only had 10 min drive yet but will take for a proper spin later) when i put foot down about halfway or down further, there is just no power pick up, its like nothing happens. even on flat ground. before this it was always very responsive. i have looked at dozens of posts here regarding loss of power but none seems to have the sympthons i have. i think it has to be an electrical problem as before brake switch was fixed yesterday, it was running fine. thanks in advance 1997 vw sharah 1.9 tdi cl mrk1 125k miles, fsh