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Everything posted by AndyLT

  1. I've tried older VAG-COM and the new VCDS-Lite. All give the same results. This is port test results: http://i.imgur.com/Ia3Jy.jpg Good latency was achieved after adjusting port settings.
  2. Anyone got more ideas? :lol:
  3. Hi, yes, I'm sure about COM port match. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to connect to some Controllers. I will try using VAG-COM 311.2, as some report such problems get fixed with it. Dunno what else to try... Maybe another laptop?
  4. Thanks a lot for your response, Mirez. Yes, I use USB cable on Windows XP. I tried both VAG-COM 409.1 and VCDS Lite getting the same results. I read quite a few threads here covering VAG-COM issues, I tried lowering latency, as suggested, with no results. Ok, so you suggest to decrease the speed of the cable. When I open USB Serial Port properties, I see it's possible to adjust: Bits per second USB transfer sizes I will try lowering these values. Although, VAG-COM software options are very confusing, not sure what to adjust: http://i.imgur.com/uyjjx.jpg Any more ideas, links?
  5. Hello, recently, I bought a cheap VAG-COM cable and wanted to do some diagnostics for my 2002 Ford Galaxy 1.9TDI. I used VAG-COM 409.1 software and my netbook. I followed the instructions and the connection was accepted by the software. But when I tried to browse through Control Modules, I could only access 18-Aux. Heat. The others were giving this error: http://i.imgur.com/VRbuz.jpg As VAG-COM system wasn't designed specifically for Ford, I decided to scan for Control Modules and came up with these results: Address 09: Cent. Elect. Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 7M3 962 258 R Component: Multifunkt.Einh 0001 Coding: 16385 Shop #: WSC 00020 Skipping Address 15-Airbags Address 17: Instruments Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 7M5 920 800 E Component: KOMBIINSTRUMENT VDO V57 Coding: 01101 Shop #: WSC 01731 Address 18: Aux. Heat Protocol: KW1281 Controller: 7M3 815 071 Component: HEIZG. B/D5W 0001 Address 3F: Unknown Address: 3F Protocol: KW1281 Controller: Now I guess there should be 10+ Control Modules. Why weren't they discovered? If the problem lies in the cable, software, netbook or compatibility, why can I access some Modules? A year ago, service guy managed to connect to Engine Module, so I have to dismiss hardware issues. So what else could cause such problem? Any help is highly appreciated! :D Besides, not sure if it's important, but my car didn't pass OBD-II compatibility test: http://i.imgur.com/MMpR6.jpg
  6. Well, thanks again. :)
  7. Thanks for response. So should I get KKL or non-KKL cable?
  8. Hello, I own 2002 Ford Galaxy 1.9TDI. Would like to buy VAG-COM cable and do some testings. Here's the connector in my car: http://i.imgur.com/7KZpC.jpg What cable should I buy? Would this do the trick: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VAG-COM-USB-KKL-OBD-2-Cable-AUDI-VW-Skoda-Seat-VAG-COM-/120652446728?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item1c17723c08 Besides, there is a KKL cable version. What does KKL stand for? Thanks a lot! Andy
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