I have four Galaxy Ghia Alloys for sale with centre caps from 2004 MKII Galaxy. Slight lacquer lifting, but not bad. Five years old, tyres are legal but getting to end of life due to age, wheel size 215/55 R16
I have Toyo Proxes tyres fitted to my Gal which are directional and on them they are marked Left & Right on each tyre. Obviously then on the nearside of the car they should have left on the outside right on the inside, and vice versa on the offside. Just to confuse the issue.
Has anyone fitted a Kenwood 729 DVD with a separate control unit, if so where did you mount the afore mentioned unit. Under drivers seat? 2004 MK II Galaxy Yours in anticipation Semptie
You are advised by every caravan club, tyre dealer etc that caravan/trailer tyres should be replaced at a max 5 years of age regardless of there appearance, or make! As caravans NEVER wear out their treads but perish in the sunlight etc. You are extremely lucky that your outfit remained upright when it shred its tread I dread to think what might have happened to you or other road users.
As far as I understand it, you are required by law to have either an audible or visual device that the towed trailer indicators are operating. The visual device on the Galaxy when activated only flashes when aforesaid trailer is connected. The onboard visual device has to be activated using VAG-COM (do a search in Tech for further details) as the system then senses the trailer being attached. Hope this is of some use Regards Simon
I have just purchased an 04 Galaxy 1.9TDi and I `ve noticed over this weekend that there is water is dripping from the rear n/s bumper. It is not screen wash. Could this be air con condensation dripping I have only ever had this from the front. Dealer unable to help. The only diference I have noticed on this model co :unsure: mpared to my previous 51 plate is that there are now air con vents in the roof lining for seats rows 2 and 3
Has anyone any ideas why my Galaxy shakes whilst towing and under high load (uphill at about 2000rpm) Dealer unable to come up with solution. This is a shake and not a vibration. The Galaxy is a 2001 manual model with approx. 40000miles on the clock It also occurs whilst solo and has only just started since last Sept