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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Jemble

  1. I've also found that reversing the metal stiffeners in the wiper blade does the trick. Makes the blade curve the other way so it matches the curve of the glass. Takes only a few minutes to do.
  2. I've got the same driver door window problem on my 97. I've got broken wires inside the rubber boot. I have mended them before with Scotchlock connectors, but now one has broken right at the connector so there is nothing to crimp on to. Any suggestions about cheap sources of a new door loom, or a repair kit so I can get the pins out of the A pillar connector?
  3. New to this forum, so taking a look at everything. I always have a problem with a new rear wiper blade missing a part of the screen. To solve it I always remove the metal stiffeners in the new blade and swap them over. This makes the blade curve the other way - concave instead of convex. Wipes the whole window everytime! :lol:
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