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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

John George

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy
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  • Region
    West Midlands

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. It's most likely the pulley and it's very easy to check, in your earlier post you mentioned CV joints or drive shafts these would only knock when moving and turning.
  2. When i rang a ford dealership about my alternater pulley. they went on to tell me that the pulley and alternater comes complete and that you can't seperate them. To which he then went on to try and sell me a alternater
  3. Thanks for your replys. It was the alternater pulley.
  4. Hope someone can help me. I have got a 02 galaxy with a horrable noise when turning the wheel. I have changed the power steering pump,the belt tensioner and the belt to no avale. It only makes this noise when idleing if i increase the revs very slightly it stops. Has anyone got any ideas cause i've spent the best part of
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