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    02MY 1.9 Zetec

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  1. just because it's dry now doesn't mean it always was... Park on a hill (nose up), have an assistant run the rear washer while you look under the seat. I jsut did this and it was soon wet.... The scuttle drain could be a problem also which would only show in rainy weather. Chris
  2. check teh passenger side under seat space (under the carpet). Is it full of water? If so, thi sis your problem as teh ecu in there is the one that controls teh parking sensors, about
  3. this has just happened to me and it has fried my parking sensor ecu - not happy Chris
  4. I had this problem, and mighty stinky too. I decided to pull teh plug out of the heater and rthat fixed it. Yes it warms up more slowly but hey... Chris
  5. I have similar trouble and the dealer says it's broken wires in the driver's door to body loom. Any details of the fix you did much appreciated! Chris
  6. Hi all, Helpful forum this, I see the noise I am worried about has been identified here as the coolant run-on pump that flows coolant for about 15 mins after the engine stops. My question is, this noise seems louder that it used to be and more pulsing in nature (about 2Hz) rather than constant. Is this a sign of impending failure and if so is it a problem? I can't imagine it is as I dont usually stop with a red hot engine, not being an austrian., but i wondered if it lights the MIL lamp or anything if it fails? Regards Chris
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