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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. Wazza is going to post the exact details of the repair that resolved this for him. Im going to get mine serviced in a few weeks and hope to tell them to try this as well. I understand the service manager is or was on holiday, when he gets back Wazza will update us all. Squishy :lol:
  2. Nice one, I have been trying to get Ford Technical to get rid of the whine I get with my steering on my Galaxy 2.0L Ghia, if you leave it in the centre postion ( null ) it does turn itself off after about a minute or so. Then starts again as soon as you drive off. If you could let me know all the details regarding this I can contact my dealer and get them to check it out with Ford to see if this is the same issue, mine started to whine at 3000 miles. The part number or part description and where it is located would be helpful. Many thanks Squish.
  3. Hi there, can you update us with exactly what the part is and was this advised by Ford Technical to the dealer as a resolution if it does actually fix the issue. Many thanks Squish ;)
  4. Have IVDC with Normal, Sport and Comfort settings. Use the Normal setting round town, Comfort on Motorway and sport not very often. It gives a nice mix of comfort / driving. Have found that it you leave it in comfort all the time it does give you a bounce effect which can make it a bit like being on a ship but that wears off after a while. If you mix the settings with your driving habits it does work well. Another good thing is the Hill Start Assist would not be without it and the Electronic Parking brake (although takes a little while to get use to) is an added bounce better than that big handle that is standard fit.
  5. Quick update regarding this. Ford Technical has checked over my car at the dealer I purchased it from. (They have been very helpful regarding this when they could not pin point the issue so i am not blaming the dealer in any way.) The outcome is that there is an issue regarding the sigh and whine that I
  6. You have to be careful with the rain sensor and not leave it on all the time. In fine weather if a fly hits the screen it can set the wipers off and cause scratches I only turn mine on when it starts then let it control the speed depending on the rain amount then turn it off after it stops.
  7. I had the same issue especially when I came out of tunnels or dark areas into daylight, the lights remained on untill the engine was turned off which reset them. Keeping the Windscreen clean seemed to work for me as well. I also have BiXenon static and bending lights these are great in the dark for corners and drives one of the better features.
  8. Thank you for all your comments. It is a Diesel engine to answer one of the questions. The garage is arranging a Ford Engineer to come and look at my car at the garage so maybe I can get to the bottom of the sigh and whine. The whine is annoying as its always there even when standsing still no hands on wheel. Have to wait and see what they say. Thanks Steve
  9. I loved my old Galaxy and decided to buy a new one ( reg 07 ) 2.0L Ghia but I have had a couple of issues with it that don
  10. lol thanks, I will get the garage to check the heater to see that its working ok, its only 2 weeks old so they can check it out under warranty. Still dont think it should be that noisy. Thanks Steve
  11. Thanks. on mine I have the heating set to auto function, the noise I get is like when wind blows down a water pipe, it increases then levels out then dies, only notice it since its been cold. You can hear it inside and outside the vehicle. Was just wondering if it is the same problem. Thanks Steve
  12. I have a new Galaxy Ghia 2004 / 2005 and it must have a heater fitted under the rear Passenger seat as i get the continuos sound after the Engine is switched off. One concerned, only had it a couple of weeks but when this blower / heater comes on its quite noisy from the inside of the car. Is this right? Thanks Steve
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