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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by lmans

  1. thats great,thanks for the tip.ill get onto it asap
  2. thank you,ill start there then. ;)
  3. hi,i own a mk 2 galaxy 1.9tdi.i have installed an aftermarket headunit which worked fine until last week when it turned off for no reason,i have tested the stereo and its fine,iv checked the stereo fuse in the car and thats fine,can anyone shed any light on the situation please?
  4. hello there,i owner a mk2 1.9tdi (115) and its started to play up,some times the temperature gauge works fine and some times it doesnt work which causes the car to rev high.like it had been started from cold,some times it makes a difference if a turn a bend sharp or go over speed humps.can anyone help?thank you ps it never overheats
  5. i recently bought a mk2 galaxy that hasnt got a remote key.is it possible to buy one and have it programmed for the doors and immobiliser?if so can you tell me the price roughly?thanks
  6. hello,just wondering if any one could tell tell me what size speakers i would need to upgrade my mk2 galaxy?any help would be great
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