Hi, I've have a 2001 24 valve V6 Galaxy for my sins. Last week it started cutting out and sounded like it was only running on 5 cylinders. I have taken it to the main Ford dealer and have been told that the bottom cam (Which I think is the Intermediate Shaft sproket on the diagrams I have found) is failing and contaminating the oil, the contaminated oil was then blocking up the varilable valve timing control valves and making the engine run rough. They flushed the engine twice and replaced the oil filter but said the engine oil was still "Heavily contaminated/Darkened" even after the second flush. The engine now runs fine but they have advised me that I could need a new engine in the near future. Has anyone had a similar issue to this, I thought the VW VR6 engine was bullet proof. Maybe I am just unlucky!!! Regards Jack