Hello all.(part 1) Just braugth me a -96 gal with a v6/2.8. I have a problem, fuel con. is 2.0-2.5L/10km. So before I hand it over to FORD I want to make my best to find the reason for this. Maybe you smart guys can help me out with this. Pic1. - Its loc. in the fron of engine. This "vacuum" hose is hanging loose, not connected to anything. Its plugged in the end with a bolt, if I take the bolt away it sucks air. Question - What is it for, and were do I connect it. http://hem.bredband.net/b314352/pic1.jpg Pic2. Its loc. at top in the back of engine. Some vale or?? Hanging loose, not connected to anything. Question - What is it for, and were do I connect it. http://hem.bredband.net/b314352/pic2.jpg Pic3. - Its loc. under the air tunnel that goes to carb. This "vacuum" hose is hanging loose, not connected to anything. You can see a plastic plugg from the airfilter housing, but it has no hole in it. Question - What is it for, and were do I connect it. http://hem.bredband.net/b314352/pic3.jpg