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    53 Ford Galaxy 1.9 TDI Ghia
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    South East

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    Heathrow, Middlesex
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  1. Thanks Brian I'm obviously a dunce because I couldn't see it. Looking for the Gear Selector Mechanism AND now the Gear Selector Cables. I would really appreciate your or someone else's help on this if possible Ta WJUK
  2. Hi guys 2003 53 plate Galaxy 1.9 tdi 6 speed. Can anyone get me a part number (Ford & VW) for the Gear Selector Mechanism please (price would be good from both too). Cheers WJUK
  3. Hi guys Some toe rag hit my car whilst parked this morning and popped out the rear bumper on the right hand side. I took off the cover and they top bracket has snapped. Car is in for a service and mot next week so will try and get it done then but wondering if 1) this part is available? (Thicko did you get it sorted?) - I rang Dagenham Motors and they can find it on one system but not the other. He said this usually means its been discontinued :( 2) If anyone has some other suggestions around a DIY job as I don't really want to spend a shed load of cash on a new bumper if I can avoid it (Insurance is also due this month). Cheers WJUK
  4. Hi Chris Thanks for the reply mate. I had a look under the car at lunchtime (I had to go out) and there was a big damp patch (not loads of water) on the floor kinda level with the passenger front wheel. I thought that was it so got down but the fluid appeared clear (I can only presume this was some rain water from this mornings school run - or something else :) ). Had a look under the bonnet and the level appeared about the same (although my mark had fallen off - so starting that again with a tiny piece of gaffer tape). I then got under the front (as best I could) and could see some red liquid (coolant) which had ran down and was dripping off some part of the engine (left hand side) - I'll try and take a picture or two later on. I definitely thing there is a leak somewhere as I searched around with a torch and saw a couple of other places below the pipes (between the egnine cover and the expansion bottle). Felt around but couldn't feel any wetness though (again will add another pic). I did top up yesterday but don't remember spilling any coolant so have wipe away some of it which was dripping from the bottom (not lots though) and will see if it comes back whilst of course keeping an eye on the level. Did have a quick whizz around the booster heater but couldn't see anything (will double check later) and will try the heater to see if it warms up either later OR first thing tomorrow. No water pump issues AFAIK with the car (3 years this year) but had numourous a/c pipes / condenser etc changed as well as the DMF back in April. One thing I did notice was that I don't think I can hear the Run On pump. TBH I'm not sure if I hear it normally. Any idea what I'm listening for on this? - I do get a noise when I turn the key but only recall a kinda buzzing noise "sometimes" after turning the car off. - again not sure if this is related but my aux heater doesn't work properly. Cheers WJUK
  5. Good morning everyone Wonder if anyone can offer some quick advice. Been having some issues with the Wipers not going full way so had a play with them yesterday evening around 6ish, removed, oiled, pushed down etc (and seem to get another inch back) and then thought to check the expansion tank and oil. Unscrewed the cap, little bit of pressure (I had been out in it earlier - say 2 hours before - and funny thing I thought the car had a bit of a warm smell when I got back and parked in the garage - I could still smell it a bit later) and there was pretty much NO coolant in it (I could see the hole and some coolant just in there). Anyway I topped it up about an hour or so later to just below the max and planned to check it this morning. However my son then decided to swallow a 1p coin so off to A&E for an X-Ray around 9pm (he's fine) and back which is about 10-15 miles round trip. I checked the coolant this morning and I'm sure it's lost some from yesterday as I put a quick mark on the level. Took my daughter to school and came home (about 2 miles) and checked again, plus looked under the car to see if I could see any leaks (only water off the air con pipe) and noticed the coolant level may have gone up slightly (hardly any). I have put another mark just in case. Will try and leave it for awhile and check again tonight/first thing tomorrow but am worried I might have a problem. Can anyone provide a few tips of things to check. I had a quick read on things such as Heater Matrix etc. Cheers WJUK
  6. Hey Lee I feel good that I can give some help back to you here..... and it will cost you NOTHING.... Get some keys or as Nik said bent metal :D and then go on the MoneysavingExpert.com forums. There's a thread here where you post your serial code and someone will come back to you within a few hours with the correct code. Have done it myself and also for the Mother in laws radio :P Cheers WJUK
  7. Hi guys Quick update. Took the car into my mechanic today and it was making a terrible noise like a clunking metal sound from the engine block area. Mechanic had a look and said initially he didn't think it was DMF but had a look for a bit longer and sussed out where the clanking was coming from. He works on an estate with a couple of other car places and he called over someone else who said he had done a Sharan about a month ago and it sounded similar and they did the DMF as they discovered it was knackered. The other matey then proceeded to put the clutch in and out whilst a few small revs and the noise got a lot louder so it seems that the DMF is on it's way B) First of all I need the car for France this weekend and it won't be replaced by then so will be trying to get a hire car but could someone tell me what is the worst case scenario IF I decide to take my car as it is (btw when I got home it had shut up with the noise). Secondly, can anyone tell me what the damage I can expect to my pocket for a DMF. I presume you change the Clutch at the same time and I think the mechanic said something about something Concentric or Hydraulic Slave but it might not have that. Anyway, my (piece of sh*t) sorry Gal is a 115bhp 53 plate TDI so if anyone can pass on details where to get the parts cheapish it would be appreciated. He said he would get me a price but probably around
  8. Morning guys The mechanic is going to take a look again tomorrow but the car made the clanging/blowing noise again this morning when at low speeds. It's still vibrating quite a bit. AFAIK the mechanic checked the alternator part # with Eurocarparts and also Fords as he thought it would be the one way wheel initially as well and was told it was the 2 way one. Where is the part number on the alternator anyway. I could put my head under and take a note of it and double check if need be. Do you also think this pulley etc could be causing all the vibrations? - would it be worth seeing if the vibrations were there without the belt on? - and could this damage the car if we tried this? (sorry if this is a dumb question). Cheers WJUK
  9. Hi Chris Just thinking worse case scenario and it's DMF - I stumbled across that the DMF had a recall by Ford here. How would I check that mine would fall under that (or not)? I'm sure my 1st registration date is Sept 2003 (recall states 31/8/03) but the car was obviously built more than a month before the 1st registration date. Is it worth ringing Frauds? Ta WJUK
  10. Hi Chris Here's the code: 17948 - Vehicle Speed Signal: Signal too High P1540 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent Here's the photo of the belt. Not sure if this is good enough though. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m173/wackojackouk/Ford%20Galaxy/th_alternator1.jpg Ta WJUK
  11. Any idea of what might cause it to be idling too high? - Also would idling slower stop the vibrate? Will take a picture tomorrow of the alternator area as best I can.
  12. Guys, thank you ever so much for your input so far, I really value your help. Anyway used the car today and it's still not running right. Again it's not shuddering or shaking violently but you can feel the vibrations through your legs and the doors do shake when open. I know it's a derv but it wasn't like this before. I also got some of the millers stuff Seatkid recommended and chucked in a double dose, went down one junction of the M25 at 70 in third gear - not really sure what an italian tune up is though :rolleyes: Enough rambling, something else cropped up today as well. Got to the dump and heard what I thought was a loud blowing or metal clanking noise (hard to describe) but my first thought was like an exhaust blow (or even a head gasket but not quite as loud) but from the front. Only at low revs/idling though. I turned the car off, emptied the stuff at the dump and drove home. It came back intermittently only when idling/pulling away in 1st/2nd I guess. Got home, went to show the missus and no noise :( Got VCDS out and hooked up and got two more readings for you guys... (see below) http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m173/wackojackouk/Ford%20Galaxy/th_engineblock2.jpg http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m173/wackojackouk/Ford%20Galaxy/th_engineblock3.jpg Any more tips, as I'm on the blower to the Mechanic first thing tomorrow - pooping it a bit now with the EuroDisney trip next Sunday am :( I'll try and take a picture of the pulley area later or first thing tomorrow when the lights better and post up. Thanks again guys WJUK
  13. Thanks Zorgman, Chris for your comments. Zorg - Worried about the DMF thing now - how much does that cost? - TBH I think it's there with the clutch in or not and the car in gear. Chris - I'll check it tomorrow - I have a trip to the dump which will take 20 mins there, 20 back. I'll post up Block 4 and 13 simultaneously if that helps. Cambelt was changed when I bought the car about 2 and half years ago. As I mentioned earlier the Auxilliary Belt Tensioner and Auxilliary Drive Belt was changed today and to be honest it was ok prior to this - is this the timing chain/belt? (not a car expert lol) and if the ones changed today weren't tight enough could this be part of the issue?
  14. Hi guys Many thanks for your quick replies much appreciated. Hooked up VCDS on the Engine Module (found the intermittant speed one which sometimes crops up) and nothing else. Went to Measuring Block 13 and let the car run for about 3 or 4 mins and then done a print screen http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m173/wackojackouk/Ford%20Galaxy/th_engineblock.jpg Does this point to anything? Regarding the work done, the invoice states the following so don't think the pulley itself was changed. I know mine doesn't have the one way one - he double checked with GSF/Eurocar Parts and with Ford. Lower Gearbox Mounting Auxilliary Drive Belt Auxilliary Belt Tensioner Gearbox Oil // Seatkid - I might give this a go if you think it's worth it. I did chuck in a shot of Redex Diesel stuff tonight. Was the last bit left (maybe 1/4 bottle) as I had turbo vanes issues awhile back and this kinda solved it with some thrashing lol
  15. Hi guys My TDI is costing me a fortune and I'm getting frustrated with it. Really feel I bought a wrong un now or it's just getting old and needs to be sold on. Anyway wonder if any of you can help me out here. Got the car back from the mechanic today after noticing a leak which turned out to be the gearbox sump nut. The gearbox mount rubber was knackered as well so he fitted a new mount which was about
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