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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Hi there ive ran my 98 s reg galaxy on 100% bio with no probs and now i have a seat alhambra 2001 model x reg and i run that on 100% bio and have been for the last 3 months not sure what year yours is so make your own mind up on that one but at 35-40 pence a litre on home brew its a big saving.
  2. Hi there i have a 99 t reg and have been making and running mine on bio for the last 4 months with no probs.
  3. There are lots of small bore pipes - you may have restored the main vacuum, but may be suffering losses in the control system. Basically start at the turbo actuator and work your way back - there are joints galore. Could be sticky turbo actuator too... Hi there i bought a t reg galaxy a couple of months ago and it had no turbo working at all. Tried all kinds to see what the prob was in the end i found one of the plugs was not pluged in properly, not sure which one i just went over all the plugs and pushed them all in and its worked ever since. Nice to have some power.
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