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  1. my 2004 auto 115ps. galaxy seems to be a bit thirsty.i am very light footed and am getting around 35mpg on the motorway at a fairly steady 70mph.i don't speed at all so thought consumption was higher than normal. any ideas guys or does it sound normal? thanks
  2. thanks for the advice guys.got the car back a couple of days ago.he said he found a short in wiring behind the fusebox. the car does have a new problem though.a very bad vibration at around 2500rpm.it is worse when under load but still there when revving in neutral.its like a teeth chattering vibration not like when a balancing or driveshaft issue.
  3. thanks guys.the mechanic has the key so not sure if that is the problem.will take the spare to him now.could all this have happened due to car battery.if the key is the problem would it show as ecu locked? he seems to know these cars pretty well but admits that this has really thrown him.
  4. my bad luck continues.timing belt snapped and after i continued to try starting the car, damaged the engine quite badly.was towed to garage and repairs carried out inc head,valves tappets etc etc. battery was disconnected and now car wont start.it seems to fire for about a second and then dies.at first diagnostics would not connect but eventually said immoboliser ecu locked. battery did die as well and then booster was used. then stopped connecting to diagnostics again.swapping the instrument cluster for another one let the car connect to software again. still showing ecu locked. they have confirmed fuel is getting in and checked crankshaft position sensor but no joy. getting desperate so any ideas guys. many thanks
  5. my mechanic told me that there is a device for £15 that the thieves are using on these cars.i didn't ask how it works but after being told by the police officers that a lot of these get stolen and the insurance agent saying the same, i am looking out of my front window a lot.i have an aftermarket alarm and steering wheel lock.cctv being fitted on saturday.i always park with the front up against the front of the house and put it into parked and make sure steering is locked.i hope these things will put the gits off. i was amazed that the a car like this got stolen as well, i had the first one for 10 years but it was bruised and battered, and it was never touched.it looks like these cars are valuable to us owners and also the thieving !!!! who take them.i was very kind to the ones who took mine as they got a full tank of fuel and a new 12month tax disc as well as all my personal stuff inc. my grandsons favourite blanket. i still dont sleep too well but hopefully this will fix up with time.nobody hurt after all.
  6. no hope of getting my own back, i bought this seat second hand to replace one that had some wear on it but hadn't got round to putting it in the car.the car that was nicked had 2 of the ones with built in child seats but they weigh a flippin ton and needed to be put in the 3rd row so i had just been putting off doing it and then some git took the car.
  7. hi thanks for the reply.the finnis code comes up as rear mudflaps for a escort! would still be interested in the fronts if you could post them and the mats possibly. many thanks ps.you dont ever head anywhere near london by any chance lol.
  8. one anthracite leather right hand seat with headrest.mint condition.wasn't in car when it was stolen. £100 collected.
  9. hi. if you still have the 2 sets of mudflaps , could you possibly confirm they will fit front and rear of 04 galaxy please.if so how much inc postage? also do you still have the full set of 6 mats, as i can only see 4 in the picture? thanks
  10. no sign of the car yet and insurance have already made me an offer, so i dont think they hold out much hope of finding it.i hope the gits who took it get whats due. i have bought another one and put on an after market alarm and a steering lock.i hope it stays here now. does anyone where i can get a full set of mudflaps at a good price? thanks
  11. mine was an auto so how do they get it out of parked? you have to have ignition on and press brake to get it out of parked.this is all strange stuff.but cars get nicked all the time including expensive new cars.how do they start them without keys?
  12. i was given 3 keys with the car.the police officer told me how they get into the car which turns off alarm and immoboliser.i didn't ask how they start the cars as i was still in a state of shock.a friend had his galaxy stolen from outside his house a couple of years ago and he had all the keys. when i called my insurance company they also said they get quite a lot of these cars reported stolen. i had always wondered why the insurance premiums were so high but never thought to find out. the next one will have to have seperate security devices fitted that are not switched on or off by drivers door lock.anyone notice that the steering wheel type locks are getting more popular again?
  13. bought a 2003 ghia tdi auto.was stolen from drive about 6 weeks later.no glass or alarm noise.police said these are very easy to steal and a common car for thieves. i am looking for another one as we need an mpv and this was my second one, so better the devil and all. the stolen one was a bit unusual with a pretty good spec.leather,multimedia pack,hid lights and two built-in child seats. i cant find another one with this same spec. i expect insurance will shaft me for years to come,even though i have protected ncb.and the premium will go up by a lot for at least 5 years. they will probably make me an insulting offer for the car. if the the thieves had asked for the car it would have been cheaper to just give them the keys and buy another one. Gutted!
  14. i have a 2001 tdi but was looking at a 2003 ghia model.the car is mostly tidy but the remote locking is weird.if you press lock, it locks all but drivers door.if you press unlock it locks drivers door. also it has an intermittant clicking noise from behind the left side panel in the boot area.same side as fuel filler.it clicks loudly for about 30ish seconds and then stops.no warning lights on dash and everything seems to be working. any ideas guys? thanks
  15. yes had oil changed.
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