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    galaxy 1.9TDI ghia (130)

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  1. So its up and running - no problems what so ever worked a treat first time. Big thumbs up to Infomaps Navigator [once you get the hang of it :P ] Just got to find a way of installing the laptop in a neat / tidy / safe way so thanks for all the replies Cheers Smoggie.
  2. Right seems like a consensus to me. Infomap Navigator and GPS ordered. Old laptop at the ready. I'll let everyone know (probably in the customisation section would be best) how I get on :blink: Cheers Smoggie.
  3. Thanks everyone. Smoggie
  4. Anyone had any problems with the GPS receiver due to having a heated front screen? Did you have to get bluetooth version and place it elsewhere or was it ok ? Cheers Smoggie
  5. ah, That souds like a job that would require a trip back to the dealership waving bits of warranty paper about then. Cheers Smoggie
  6. Hi guys, Quick question regarding cleaning the dvd I suspect. The dvd player has started "sticking" - bizarely it seems fine for quite some time thru the film and then suddenly just stops (as though it has been paused) screen stays on and the suddenly starts again. [No its not the kids doing it :lol: ] I reckon the first thing to try is one of those dvd lense cleaner jobs - anyone got any do's or don'ts suggestions etc or should I just send it back to the dealers ? Cheers Smoggie
  7. Took it to the garage yesterday - fixed in less than half an hour under warranty. Sorted. Packed the wife, kids and kitchen sink in it this morning - off for the weekend in it at lunchtime :( Smoggie.
  8. Tried all the above to no avail so its back to the garage asap in the hope they can fix it before the weekend :D Cheers for the replies anyway. Smoggie
  9. I have a problem with the middle row, middle seat, seat belt. Namely that it wont do the "clunk, click" thing. When pushing the metal part into the black holder (ie next to the red button) it wont click into position and hold firm - it just pops back out. [Hows that for a "technical explanation :lol: ] Anyone had this before ? I've phoned the garage and they have asked me to bring it in for them to look at - see if any parts are required etc - I'm sure it will be under warranty so thats not a problem but just thought I'd ask here first. Cheers Smoggie
  10. Sorry guys - been away for a while... Anyway cubby came out a treat (despite "assistance" from my 4 year old) As noted previously it comes out in one piece after removing the 3 screws. Underneath I reckon there *is* enuff space to drop in the laptop I have in mind but prolly not enuff for very much else. In fact I really need to actually set about installing the thing as it could be very tight for space once I connect up the power supply and the gps receiver as some of the connection sockets are on the side instead of the back of the laptop. The other (passenger side) cubby comes out just as easily which would mean that there is more than enuff space but I don't really want to lose that space. Underneath the cubby is a bracket that supports both cubby's so its difficult to see how to get the wires down inside to get to a power supply - I suspect taking out the radio might be the best bet. Don't think you can really remove the bracket either or at least it didn't look as though it would be a good idea. So.... I reckon it will fit (probably be ok for your dvd player as well) but the wires may well look messy unless I can suss out a way to hide them down the back behind the radio. Halfords for the radio removal keys is my next stop. Smoggie.
  11. Cheers for this. Watch out for the "oh oh - help required" message come monday morning - lol. I'll post back how I got on either way. Smoggie
  12. Thanks Marky. I too noticed that it was going to come out as a whole unit - haven't quite sussed out how I'm going to put something back over to make it look neat / hide it from prying eyes yet though doing the same as you and getting a spare to hack about was the initial plan. However I figured that with the cubby out I would be able to work around the hinge lid problem. ie install the laptop lower down into the recess under the cubby and then angle the laptop so that screen was vertical but that the keyboard was up towards the roof at say a 45degree angle - hopefully the driving position will mean that this is ok. Having said all that what I really need to do is take out the cubby and try this :D job for the weekend I reckon. Smoggie.
  13. My "project" is to install a sat nav system using an old laptop - currently at the stage of gathering bits and pieces together. Got the laptop, dc power, about to order infomap navigator - just lacking the courage to start removing the cubby hole from my 2 week old galaxy and the skill to install it :) Anyway the speaker on the laptop is crap and I'm trying to suss out a way to improve it either by routing it thru the stereo or installing extra speakers or something else hence the question. I bought a FM transmitter thing from http://www.pcmediastore.co.uk/ (no connection to them other than being a satisfied customer - appears they are out of stock at the moement though) - cost me about
  14. No aux input - fair enuff. Reckon I might be able to do something with this though ? http://www.incarexpress.co.uk/view_product...?partno=VFOX001
  15. Don't suppose while it was out it you had the chance to notice if it has an aux input or not did you ?
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