Oh, so you know my Mrs! (joke) Thanks for that. We have two keys, so will try the other one. I went out & bought a new battery yesterday as I found the old one completely discharged, & so far no problems have occurred (however,in the past it has gone a number of days between problems). When having starting problems the red LED in the drivers door is blinking constantly. Initially it started & died very occasionally, then would start on second attempt having died about once or twice a week It then took about 10 attempts to start it ran for a split second before dying but would eventually start and run perfectly. Each time it tried to start it turned over briskly. In the last week it has turned over sluggishly without firing & after a few attempts has died with nothing happening when turning the key. A jump start has worked instantly with the GLXY ticking over & running sweetly. Hope the new battery will help the problem. I keep seeing references to relay 30/27. I'm not sure if this would cause the problems I have been experiencing. The 2.8 V6 has been great fun, but if I can't put this starting problem to bed, I may have to think about offloading it which would be a shame. Thanks again for your advice