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Everything posted by groover1973

  1. thanks to this post i have just completed the procedure. it took around 5 hours as the spindle was completly seized in and was a nightmare to free.now it is running like a dream and the wipers are arcing correctly now as the driver side was stopping short by around 2.5-3inch. thanks again for the post and a massive saving in garage bills which i can now save for beer tokens :angry2: i must add that i dont uasualy do mechanic repairs but i will be doing so from now on :o
  2. just to let you all know,had no trouble for weeks now and as if by magic it did it again. sensor come on and expansion bottle empty again aargghhhhhhh new symptom just noticed. when you go uphill the heater blows cold then on the downhill and flat the temp comes up again. all the time the gauge reads 90???
  3. garage found a small leak on the rear flow/return pipes which only shows under high pressure when hot. the joints ( metal to rubber hose ) have been cleand up and siliconed. so far no repeat of previous problem.
  4. a fortnight after fitting new rad the blinking problem has returned again. the mechanics said they have tested the head, all fine, tested cooling system, holding fine. its had new rad,exp cap, water pump so they are at a bit of a loss.with best intentions they just cant pinpoint the problem. seems im left scratching me head again :0( they say poss try cutting supply to rear heater to see if the problem lies in the exchange from front to rear. the saga continues lol
  5. just got it back from garage today as i haad other commitments stopping me from sorting it. garage confirmed that the rad was'nt flowing and was choked. the fan and switch were fine so got out on
  6. got to take it in yet.will post result soon as
  7. had motor in local trusted garage and they have now found that the fan doesnt cut in anymore and the return to the expansion bottle is only on a trickle. outcome is that the rad is blocked and poss switch on fan has gone. just under
  8. just to note: changed the cap alone during the week but problem still exists.bleeding and refiliing in a mo. will run around and get back to forum soon as.
  9. i will wait till i get home weekend and will fit the new stat and refill how spacecowboy says droppring the hose off the bottom of the rad. fingers crossed. will report back asap. cheers for the info :D
  10. at the min it is running mainly on water as i couldnt afford to keep paying out for antifreeze at the rate it kept losing it! the water loss occurs as far as i can see when the bottle boils and then blows out of the expansion bottle. i cant say i have seen any water under the car once parked. lost almost all the water through kettling once. the antifreeze is the official ford stuff which i got from the dealers. they told me not to use others or to mix it. it has not been modded or chipped afaik
  11. hi all i have a 52 plate 1.9tdi galaxy which has a problem with the cooling system i beleive. as like many other reports mine seems to have a number of symptoms: temp goes from 90 - red, temp warning light comes on. open expansion bottle to find the water kettling away. all the water seems to be sucked down to the rear before opening the cap. some times just the temp warning light will come on whilst the gauge reads 90. just found out ( could be coincidence ) but doing over 60mph and also going uphill sends the temp gauge up. smoke coming from oil cap ( not excessive just pressume it overheating it ) i have had a new water pump put on to no avail. i have a new cap and stat on order to try next. the aa have been out and done a gas test, pressure test and say the head and cooling system are holding fine. no obvious signs of any water leaks. does anyone have a more definitive answer to this problem as i have also read of guys and gals having the heaed done and still getting the same problem after >
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