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About tbag

  • Birthday 01/26/1949

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    Ford Galaxy 2.8 V6

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  1. Hi,i have had this noise, not unlike a hammer hitting a anvil and a was told to run the engine above 3000 rpm for maybe ten minutes or so to get rid of any air that might be trapped in one of the tappets. so off i went up the bypass in ist gear for 5 miles, ok it sounds daft but it worked. i was just about to go on my hols as well, so stripping it down was not an option. t bag
  2. All sorted,i took the old filter off and the part no is the same.also there was no water when i drained the old one.t.bag
  3. Hi all,I have just picked up fuel filter for my 2005 1.9 tdi 130 bhp from vw dealer,but,took it back because there was no knob on the bottom to drain out the water. the chap says the part has changed and this is what they are fitting now.does anyone know if the filters have changed as i do not want to put it on if it is not the correct part.thank you t.bag
  4. Hi all,After fitting new front discs and pads before the M.O.T. i now feel the brakes need bleeding.I have in my shed a part bottle of castrol response which is four years old and a new bottle of carlube fluid, both are synthetic and appear to be the same spec.Has anyone used carlube before and will it be ok for my galaxy? i do think the castrol is a little old now.also what is the best procedure for changing the brake fluid please.your suggestions would be greatly appriciated.Thanks t bag
  5. Hi,mirez do you know where the delay relay is and which one do i change. only mine still works when i switch on but does not carry on when i switch off.engine running or not. cheers t bag. sorry to chip in folks.
  6. I have found a way round my problem,i open each door and press in the lever then close the door which only leaves the boot unlocked.I only hope the sight of my german shepherd and lurcher put them off.I look forward to your garages info.tbag.
  7. Turning the key twice should de-activate the interior sensors but still lock the car or am i wrong? t bag.
  8. I did the same on my old sharan also i shoved a straightened out metal coat hanger up a small hole below the scuttle drains at the front of the sills. then i gave it a good hose on both sides.that got rid of loads of grit etc.it worked for me. t bag
  9. while on my hols i called at garage for fuel,as the dogs were in the car i turned key twice in drivers door etc and went to pay. to my suprise the alarm went off,so i did it again, the led in the drivers door came on after about 6 seconds. iam not in the habit of leaving the dogs in the car so its not that important but i was wondering if there might be a fault somewhere. has anyone come across this before.thanks t bag
  10. It split at the vacumn end but was so easy to pull off at servo end
  11. Had new pipe fitted yesterday while i was at work,
  12. thanks gregers will try tomorrow
  13. When i examined all the pipes everything appeared to be ok but after a good tug the rigid black plastic pipe came off easy, thats because it was split.so i pushed it back on and used some duck tape as a semi repair.it is working so far.Now then, this pipe goes behind a silver looking plate, is it attached to anything or straight on to the servo.i would like to replace it as soon as possible thanks t bag
  14. Hi all, i have fitted a new coolant temp sender and just about to go for a spin but the brake pedal is hard. maybe i have caught i vacumn pipe but where do i look ? or is it a fuse,your comments will be appreciated. thanks t bag
  15. Hi all,everything is now in order. i cut a short length of speaker wire that i found in my shed, this had soldered ends which fit in the female connector perfectly. drilled two holes where the flat pins went, press the two halves together then join wires to brake pad.result no light. thanks again t bag
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