Ok, point taken, it could be a water leak, which it has by the way, but not entirely convinced as it does it when its dry too. I took it to the auto electricians who diagnosed the dash clocks themselves being at fault, then being a sceptic i took it to a friend who works with VW audi, he is pretty good with these things and a galaxy is a VW in short, he has recommended taking the dash clocks out the car which he has done to be sent away for testing, heres hoping (more money) looking about 200 bucks. He told me i could drive IT in the meantime as the immobiliser is not connected to them, and everything else worked, which was fine until the battery randown and died on me, prob to do with the clocks not being connected, I got i jump start and it is in my drive with its legs firmly split open and awaiting the clocks to be returned, HOPEFULLY WITH A FAULT IN THEM. Im happy to pay the 200 of so quid if it fixes it. Now about the windscreen, is it a reseal job or whole window out? Thanks guys for your help, i will be in touch with the solution, if poss. Much appreciated. ;)