When the CC is activated you do hear a little click from the CC unit - i think its behind the dash on the left of the radio. God knows how difficult it is to get at tho! Thanks Steven. this is it. I can't hear that. What is wrong??? Do i need to replece indicator stalk? Or CC unit ?? Or mayby if vacum pump not working then i didint hear click from unit???? Please help. I'm fighting with this about two mounths :)
Ello. Thank for reply. I live in UK but I'm not british. I'll check CPU today and I'll give you now. Also I suspect vacum pump. I"ll check it too :P. Vag Com working olny with : instruments, abs, air con :unsure:
When I chose ON on left stalk is no sound from cc transmitter What sound do you expect to hear ? you say transmitter what do you mean ?? Check with Vag-com Radiotwo Ell I read somewhere when you turning on cc must be heard ( click or click clik from trasmitter ). Like from indicators. Nothing. I'll try but Can't connect to engine. I heard Vag-com is not supported with ford engine.:unsure: Transmitter= device biggest then fuse. usually square shape little box near fuses.Electric Device which sterring cruise control.I'm asking because i can't find electric shame for cc .
Ello everyone. My engine is 2.3 petrol. Cruise control not working. I checked pipes ( OK ) .Switches on brake and clutch ( OK ) When I chose ON on left stalk is no sound from cc transmitter. Mayby i need to activate cc. Where can I find it.Please help. Sorry for my english. Tom.