Hi. Would appreciate some assistance with this if possible: I have an 02 galaxy ghia with this head unit: http://www.blaupunkt.com/de/images_produkt/7612001040_15869_LO.JPG It's a blaupunkt radio navigation system with CD changer control - I also have a CD changer in the boot which is connected to the head unit using the radio frequency method (not keen on this plus some of the buttons on the head unit dont work). I want to take the whole system out and replace with the Ford 6006 - i know most of these dont have the squared of rim but thats fine. Basically i need to know how to extract the head unit and what tools I need to carry this out (Fraud tried when they were doing something else on the car but had no joy), also will the 6006 need new wiring or a new cage or will it slot straight in? also will it still be linked to the display on the dash next to the speedometer which displays what radio station your using or will I lose this function?? Thanks in advance if anyone is able to help. Jason.