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Everything posted by JonDonkin

  1. Hello, I had to fit new aux belt, tensioner and pulley to my Galaxy Mk1 2.3i, after reading lots of posts here I did the task, no problems and was very easy to do really, why Ford wanted so many
  2. Hello all OK, on my 2.3 GLX Galaxy 1997R, on one of the far back seats I have had one of the trays on the back fall off, I can see one black clip at the top of the tray and the other clip (fixed by 2 clips) is missing, also a bit of glue (badly 'fixed' at some point I guess). Does anyone know where to get these clips from or the partcode? I have gone into the local Ford dealers and they have looked on the part lookup system but can only find some clips for cars manufatured a few months after mine (From Sept 1997 I think) but no clips listed for the models before. I have also checked about buying a whole new tray but apparently they do not come with the clips on as they are a separate part (WTF?) I did get some of the later clips to try (White not black), but they are a different design and don't fit quite right, little bit too thin and don't go in the hole correctly and they hit a metal bar on the far side of the hole before the clip engages. Grr I don't want to grip-fill it back on but feel I am running out of options? Hope sombody knows more than Ford do :ph34r: Better description of clips Black origional clip : 'Softer' than the white clips, it has a number of thread style rings around the black stem that seem to push into the hole then the rings pop out after being pushed through, holding it in place. Could be pulled off but look to be 'use once' clips. New Clips : White and harder plastic, uses a 'clip' method where it will push into the hole, a springy block pops out preventing it from coming back out again, looks to be a use once and don't get it undone type clip. Does not fit in the hole as the clip seems too thin and will not lock correctly. also won't go in far enough to lock even if it did fit snug.
  3. I guess my suggestion would be to take the partcodes and do a google search, you should come up with a few sites with pictures of the compressor offered under that partcode like This link Compare the pictures with the compressor on your car to check they do in fact look the same (assuming they are all the same design of course). I had a choice of 2 and did this to find the correct one. Jon
  4. OK, I have done all the work now (It's working) so here is the update on the task as promised. I removed the old parts and fitted the new compressor and dryer, these were both VERY easy to fit and only took about 20 minutes (Note: do the pressure switch OUT of the car), I am sure you could even do this just by jacking up the driver side wheel a bit (Did mine on a ramp tho). Didn't change the expansion valve though as this looked tricky, not technically (3 bolts) but it's damn difficult to get to AND see at the same time, and if you try it will be with one hand only. However, upon getting the system pressure tested with nitrogen, there was a small leak :o After more checking it was discovered to be one of the pipes had corroded :( , it was the thinner pipe from the expansion valve to the dryer, it had corroded/cracked in the middle of a little rubber clamp, little bit past the dryer (A common problem I am told, in fact the aircon man told me about this exact bit before he had even looked at the car when asked about Galaxy problems, the parts I had fitted were 'a good job' apparently) The pipe was a Ford only part of course at about
  5. OK, prices I got for the compressor (with electronic clutch, CA10203) Ford wanted
  6. Thanks for the swift replys. It is definately called a dryer, part no RD19216, it apparently filters out moisture from the system and ensures that only liquid only is fed to the . . um . . somthing valve (Hella site says replace every 2yrs?). I will buy a new compressor though I think, but only if I can get one cheap enough. The one I need is the part: CA10203 Only place I have found so far is www.vacs.co.uk, RRP on the site is
  7. How best to fix this problem? (long post, sorry) I purchased a Ford Galaxy 2.3 a few weeks ago (1997 R), I knew the aircon was not working (Still a great deal). Had the gas checked by a specialist, there was about 32psi instead of 40psi (Not to bad I am told for 6 years no maintinance) but still no cold air, compressor was not 'clicking' in. Having lowered the engine tray to fault find I can see that the Aircon compressor is there but it is missing the electronic cluch assembly for it (Removed), a shorter drive belt has been fitted to bypass this. :( Suprise suprise, the compressor seems to be seized solid :( (I guess skipping the re-charge does not save money after all then). So as far as I can tell I have 2 options. Option 1: Have it 'done' (you have been! :( ) at the aircon specialist, new parts I am told are; Compressor, dryer, valve, flush+regas for a bargin price of
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