OK, I have done all the work now (It's working) so here is the update on the task as promised. I removed the old parts and fitted the new compressor and dryer, these were both VERY easy to fit and only took about 20 minutes (Note: do the pressure switch OUT of the car), I am sure you could even do this just by jacking up the driver side wheel a bit (Did mine on a ramp tho). Didn't change the expansion valve though as this looked tricky, not technically (3 bolts) but it's damn difficult to get to AND see at the same time, and if you try it will be with one hand only. However, upon getting the system pressure tested with nitrogen, there was a small leak :o After more checking it was discovered to be one of the pipes had corroded :( , it was the thinner pipe from the expansion valve to the dryer, it had corroded/cracked in the middle of a little rubber clamp, little bit past the dryer (A common problem I am told, in fact the aircon man told me about this exact bit before he had even looked at the car when asked about Galaxy problems, the parts I had fitted were 'a good job' apparently) The pipe was a Ford only part of course at about