I just thought I would share my recent experience of an issue I had with central locking not working on all doors and seemingly being 'out of phase' with the petrol cap locking. Having had an auto electrical technician spend two hours checking none of the looms were broken or shorting at the door pillars and after he advised that the car needed new locking motor on the drivers door, I asked him to advise on an ABS alert light that had just come on. He plugged his diagnostic unit into the socket under the ash tray and was surprised to see it did not power up. Anyway, for some reason a fuse had blown and he replaced it. He advised me which sensor was playing up and we did one last test of the central locking. It worked perfectly! I and he do not understand why but the central locking partially worked even though the fuse had blown (it shares the same fuse). Once the fuse was reinstated everything is fine. If you are having a similar problem you might check the fuses. For Galaxy 1999 2.3LX