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  1. You definitely have an immobiliser issue, if you put a temporary 12v feed to the solenoid and crank the engine you should get fuel after a while and it should definitely run, suggest you take it for a drag rather than flatten the battery to do this. hi what does the other set of wires do that is connected to the little black square box on fuel pump
  2. i am getting fuel to the pump from the filter but nothing coming out of lines at injector, i have put a +12v feed to stop solenoid, how long should i need to crank before i see any fuel?
  3. THis sounds like immobiliser problem - 1st check, check for PATS chip in key, this often drop out when the key is opened to change battery etc. chip is in key, if i put a live feed from battery to stop solenoid and crank engine should i start to get fuel at top of injectors
  4. have found the connection to the solenoid 12v comes on briefly when ignition is switched on then goes off there is no 12v feed when engine is being cranked
  5. not sure what i'm checking for is it a 12v feed on diesel pump
  6. Hi Thanks for help turned out it was the earth strap on starter motor had meltled through, renewed earth strap and now turning over fine, but still not starting. Got fuel upto pump but nothing coming out of hp lines, head had been off for skimming so fuel lines disconnected for a while. Is there a special way of purging system as there is no lift pumo or priming pump on these cars what I can see. Is it just a case of cranking over until I get fuel or should i be doing something else a fuel bleed screw etc. thanks ken
  7. yes battery fully charged tried it with jump leads as well
  8. but engine not even turning over when key is turned so could something be stopping power getting to starter
  9. car still won't turn over and i have towed car up and down street getting nothing, not even attempting to fire, when i put key in led on door comes on for couple of secs then goes out does nothing when key is turned.
  10. managed to find relays and relay 26 (marked up 100) i think is ok i changed it with the other relay marked up 100 and both are clicking and appear to be working also what does relay marked up as 185 or 105 do as this is also clicking when i turn key but no sign of engine turning over, what else could it be starter motor possibly or something else? Any help would be appreciated
  11. Hi 1999 tdi won't start key turning but nothing else, hear faint clicking under dash ,where is relay 26 located please i suspect this could be problem. Light on door flashes once then goes out.
  12. Hi Just put the head back on my 1999 tdi 110 and am now going to time the belt, has anyone got the correct procedure with diagrams of timing marks and can someone tell me the reason as to why there is a keyway in camshaft but not in camshaft pulley surely there should be a woodruff key to stop the pulley slipping.
  13. Sequence and torque are the same regardless of whether you have the TDi or TDI with unit injectors. It's new bolts for sure and a four stage tightening - stage 1 40Nm, stage 2 60 Nm, stage 3 +90 degrees, stage 4 +90 degrees again. Take left/right and front/back as you are looking at the engine while standing in front of the car. Number 1 is front centre 2 is back centre 3 is front and 1 to right of centre bolt 4 is back and 1 to left of centre 5 is front and 1 to left of centre 6 is back and 1 right of centre 7 front outer Hi Thanks for that will torque head up Friday and see if expansion tank still filling with oil (fingers crossed it won't). 8 back outer 9 front outer 10 back outer ie: 10____4_____2_____6_____8 7_____5_____1_____3_____9 Hope this is clear and helps.
  14. Hi I have put a couple of posts on here and I'm back for some more info please. Have took head off and had it pressure tested, so now head going back on what I would like to know is the torque settings and tightening sequence and do I need to use new bolts for this model I have a 1999 v plate 1.9 tdi Thanks all
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