Hi guys, I had very similar problem - my 2002 TDi Galaxy is a single unit and should be filled 750ml, but KwikFit filled it as dual unit - 1050ml. The guy started the car and I felt for few seconds that the temperature started to go down and then started to blow worm air. I said to the guy "Are u sure it has dual A/C? I think is single..." - although as someone mentioned above on the A/C data plate shows the charging quantities for both... So the guy stopped the car straight away and connected the machine again, emptied the A/C system and did the filling procedure again to 750ml of freon. When done we tested the A/C again and it still was blowing warm air. He said there must be other problem with the A/C and I should check it with specialist (KwikFit only charge and don't repair...) I have a friend abroad, who is A/C engineer (and a good one...) and I explained to him what happened. He asked me to check few things - whether the pulley of the compressor was engaging when i switch on the A/C - which did, meaning all electrics work and the compressor switches on OK. Then he told me to attach a filling hose with a gauge on it (they come wit the refilling cane of refrigerant - available at Halfords) and the gauge went straight on the last red section at approx 120psi - the red section means "May have mechanical probs". The pressure and the dial did not change when i turned the engine on and A/C on and off. My mate told me that that means possibly the valves inside the A/C compressor were busted and the compressor does not pump any pressure any more... Bad news, he said. He also said that this could be repaired, but knowing the prices here in the UK it would cost a fortune... May be a new or reconditioned compressor would be wiser. The problem is that when a compressor (or any other part of the A/C system) is replaced, the system must be purged to clean any particles in the system, than a deep vacuum is applied for 15min or more to clear any air or condensation and then the A/C is re-gassed and re-oiled. Also it is recommended that the Receiver Drier and Expansion Valves are changed when fitting a new A/C Compressor, because contaminated oil trapped in these units will escape the system flush and in time enter the new unit and act as an abrasive. So, we are stuffed totally from such error of the KwikFit guy. Anyway, any one knows a reliable auto A/C engineer on London area (London SW, SW)? My friend is very good A/C engineer, but is based in Bulgaria... Any advise is welcome. Thanks for you patience to read this! Roumen Galaxy 1.9 TDi auto 02 - six seater (originally) :P