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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by scottywardo

  1. Hi ,Does anyone know the stud sizes that connects from the exhaust manifold to the downpipe, i need to renew 2 of them as I snapped one of them, Many Thanks ;)
  2. Right I'm trying to find out what size these studs are, anyone know? Thanks :(
  3. Right I'm trying to find out what size these studs are, anyone know? Thanks :(
  4. Thanks paul, my penrtrating oil has arrived, so going to give that a try first , thanks :(
  5. Hi all, I have a slight problem. :16: I just taken off the down pipe exhaust from the manifold and in the process sheared one of the studs, i followed instuctions to lubricate the bolts before untightning but manage to break one. Does anyone have any tips on what i have to do next, theres about an inch left on the stud from the manifold Many Thanks Scott
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