Sequence and torque are the same regardless of whether you have the TDi or TDI with unit injectors. It's new bolts for sure and a four stage tightening - stage 1 40Nm, stage 2 60 Nm, stage 3 +90 degrees, stage 4 +90 degrees again. Take left/right and front/back as you are looking at the engine while standing in front of the car. Number 1 is front centre 2 is back centre 3 is front and 1 to right of centre bolt 4 is back and 1 to left of centre 5 is front and 1 to left of centre 6 is back and 1 right of centre 7 front outer 8 back outer 9 front outer 10 back outer ie: 10____4_____2_____6_____8 7_____5_____1_____3_____9 Hope this is clear and helps.