hi i would also like to know if a relay controls the dial type controls for the heater, air flow( screen, center, footweel) and the various recircltion a/c controls my car is 02 1.9 tdi with dial heater controls this thread shows taking out the fuse panel to reval the relays http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry68423 but it whould be very handy to no which one needs replacing i might just ring up ford and ask for a heater control relay, to see the price, then i'm guessing it will be numbered, so switching it out whould be easy, that is of course if its located in the driver footwell area i have tryed various things to fix my heater dails not working, fan works, but heat/cold and directions does not, a/c and recirlation does not seem to work either i have tryed switching over the heater control unit itself, no fix, unplug the control switch , switch on igition, switch off, the reconnect to try to reset, that did not work, disconnect battery for a few mins to try to rest, that did not work either i am guessing it is more that likely some relay that is at fault, just not sure what oe where it is located