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  1. just looking on ebay , not sure if this is the relay in question http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-Sharan-02-09-Fan-...%3A1%7C294%3A50 does anyone no if thats what controls the various dail heater a/c reciclation dails in a 02 galaxy, thinking its the same for a sharan and galaxy here are some more posts with more info on this problem http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...l=heater+blower http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...l=heater+blower
  2. hi i would also like to know if a relay controls the dial type controls for the heater, air flow( screen, center, footweel) and the various recircltion a/c controls my car is 02 1.9 tdi with dial heater controls this thread shows taking out the fuse panel to reval the relays http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry68423 but it whould be very handy to no which one needs replacing i might just ring up ford and ask for a heater control relay, to see the price, then i'm guessing it will be numbered, so switching it out whould be easy, that is of course if its located in the driver footwell area i have tryed various things to fix my heater dails not working, fan works, but heat/cold and directions does not, a/c and recirlation does not seem to work either i have tryed switching over the heater control unit itself, no fix, unplug the control switch , switch on igition, switch off, the reconnect to try to reset, that did not work, disconnect battery for a few mins to try to rest, that did not work either i am guessing it is more that likely some relay that is at fault, just not sure what oe where it is located
  3. thanks for the tip on the other subject but i still have the same problem i have removed the heater control panel, switched on the ignition as mention brefily then reconnected to try to get it to reset, but this is not working i whould think the problem i have is with something other than the heater control panel itself, as i have 2 heater control panels, the orginal and one i got from ebay that was confirmed working, with both units i have the same problem. the problem is: 1: air flow from vents is stuck on windscreen only 2: center heater switch works on settings 1-4 3: left heater hot - cold dial not working 4: right air flow screen, front, floor dial not working 5: aircon,and other 2 small switches not working either i have tryed getting a manual for this car 02, 1.9 tdi lx galaxy, but theres none available it seems there must be some relay or other fuse/switch thats at fault here, there was also mention of the flap that controls hot/cold air getting stuck or the servos that move it, but how can this also affest the other item, ie the air flow to screen or floor, plus the air con , recirlate switches etc if anyone has any ideas, it whould be very usefull
  4. Hi i have a galaxy 02 plate 1.9 tdi lx since i got the car theres always been a problem with the heaters in the front, first the heater air blowing from the vents in the front seemed to be very poor, even if you swithed it from fan setting 1,2,3,4 it never seemed to come out of the main vents, but just a small amount of air from the side air vents that point towards to side windows i just brought a new heater/air con switch of ebay now to heater blows abit more, but its stuck on blowing hot air only, and always blowing air on the windsreen the new aircon/heater switch has increaded the heater airflow, but as mentioned it stuck on hot , turning the heater switch to cold or hot makes no difference, it just pumps out hot all the time and as mentioned its stuck on blowing only to the windscreen, switching the control switch to floor, main vents etc does nothing, it just pumps out to the windscreen vents only does anyone have any ides about what this problem could be???? all the swicthes that control the vents and temperture seem to be electrical items, could there be faults on relays or sensors or other areas causing my problems thanks
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