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Everything posted by BigDave1972

  1. I thought I'd update you all on this one. I seem to have fixed it :D Basically, I decided to vent some gas from the system from the high pressure valve (bit at a time with the engine off, then turning it on and checking the pressure gauge) until it just came on properly on 'Lo' setting. I did this yesterday afternoon. So far today I've had fully funtioning air con in both 'Lo' and 'Auto' modes with the ambient outside temp as high as 25 Degrees. Woohoo!!!! So this was simply a case of 'a little too much gas!!!!' - might have a moan at Nationwide about this as it was them who serviced it last (although it wasn't a hot day when they did it!!!)
  2. I went and purchased a pressure testing gauge and just tested my system. When its working it's in the correct zone but the weirdest thing has happened........ I have tried to test the air con twice so far when its not been working. I start the engine - note the lack of cold air and see the compressor turning on and off (so clutch is ok). I connect the gauge whilst the engine is running and the reading shows slightly too high pressure (in the yellow zone of the gauge instead of blue), but within 3 or 4 seconds of connecting the gauge the pressure drops back to blue (normal) and the compressor kicks in and the air con begins to work! Surely I can't have crud blocking the low pressure pipe at the valve can I??????
  3. I'm pretty certain MINE works when its cold - as the low pressure pipe is freezing and attracts condensation when it actually works. But I'm narrowing it down - Its hot today and so my aircon is not working. I set it to 'lo' and then went and got the hose pipe out and sprayed the air con colling fins with cold water. Amazingly the air con began working and the compressor kicked in fine. This leaves me with (1) temp sensor somewhere is faulty, (2) there's too much gas in the system so it overheats when the temp on the high pressure side gets too high, (3) there's a problem which is neither of the above and is making it overheat. Any advice people?
  4. when my aircon stops working the wires to the switch are dead but when aircon works they are live. had car ticking over for half hour and engine fans were working fine Seems like the pressure switch is turning your A/C on and off on command. Have you had the low and high pressure tested on a hot day?
  5. Stupid question but apart from replacing the pressure switch - is there an easy way to test if it is faulty?
  6. Yes the engine fan comes on as soon as the a/c is switched on, but at half speed. So your problem is a wiring/relay/control unit fault. Markie - when you set your climatronic to 'Lo' and the outside temp is lower (ie in the morning) and the air con is working - have a look at the compressor. Is it spinning all the time? It should be. Mine does. And then, when it hot during the day (like it will be tomorrow), set it to 'Lo' again and have a look at the compressor again. If you have the same fault as me the compressor will be spinning on for a few seconds, then off, then on, then off etc. It would be good to see if we have an identical fault - you're the only person I've found on the web who's reported the same sympoms as I have! Please post your results. (And if anyone knows what the problem with MY air con is - please post it now! lol)
  7. Yes, that'll be the problem then, your fan is knackered. I'm not sure you're both speaking the same language here. I have the same issue with my Alhambra. The A/C works when the outside air temp reports to be BELOW 23 Degrees C - but above this it simply won't keep the compressor turned on. On mine there is no issue with any fans not working. Can someone tell me where the outside air temp sensor is located?
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