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Everything posted by abusufyan

  1. OK, at last i manage to get to work, took the arms of my old wiper mech and put them on the new on one and are going ok just grease the ball joints as the are still bit stiff. thanks for the help Pips.
  2. I don't know, when the i brougnt the mechansim it would not turn, i then compared the wiper mech. to your picture and they did not look right(changed the arms around on the pivot opposite motor and it started to work. It now goes down a fraction before going up then rests at about the middle of the screen, a friend mine seems to think the motor is nackered?? thanks for the help.
  3. ok managed to get a new mechanism but now the wipers are going down instead of up what i am doing wrong. i checked the the wiper is at the home position. my brother seems to think the inside of the wiper arms where they connect to the spindle are worn out and that is why they not making the corect cycle?? is this true??? please can anyone help.
  4. Hi i need some help if anyone has come across this i have taken apart put together the wiper mechanism but my wiper seem to go down rather up what am i doing wrong??? please someone help me, thanks in advance
  5. Thanks mate, I did try to repair and bent and broke one side of the link
  6. have you still got this sensor??? thanks
  7. Hi was wondering if any body had or can point in the right direction as to where i can get a wiper mechanism for MK2 galaxy as bent my old one trying to take it apart, I am in birmingham area any help much appreciated!!!
  8. Hi was wondering if any body had or can point in the right direction as to where i can get a wiper mechanism for MK2 galaxy as bent my old one trying to take it apart, I am in birmingham area any help much appreciated!!!
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