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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy Ghia 2.0TDCI 2006 56
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  • Region
    East Midlands

garyh's Achievements


Newbie (1/8)



  1. Thanks gregers. How motoring has changed. Seems like all we need nowadays is a mobile phone and breakdown cover! The car will at least be lighter without carrying all the old tools around. Gary
  2. Hello All, Just about to pick up a 2006 56 2.0 Galaxy MkIII Ghia, but noticed there is only the puncture repair fluid and compressed air pump (thing), owe and the towing ring and wheel nut security key! Should the Galaxy come with more tools that this? How about: sissor jack? wheel brace? screw driver? Your help would be appreciated, as I pick it up next in 8 days from a Ford Dealer and can conatct them to explain what I should have - they said all that comes with them as standard are the towing eye and the compressor/punture repair unit and all the other empty holes in the polystyrene compartments are for storage! Thanks Gary
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