First of all, please forgive my laymans terms as I am not very mechanically literate! I have a 2001 1.9TDI Zetec 110(?)HP Galaxy MkII - in silver just to make the details complete :) About 18 months ago, I was driving along the motorway at around 70mph and needed to overtake a vehicle so I slowly accelerated. I then felt a definite "wall" and the car would not accelerate further - as if a limiter had cut in. I "limped" along to my destination (an army barracks in Licolnshire) and parked the car up for 6 months whilst I went to play in the sand as the on-base MT section would not even look at it as it is not an MoD vehicle. Various folk advised me that the head gasket had gone so prior to coming home a local garage agreed to collect the car and do whatever was necessary. They said it was not the head gasket but the MAF. They had replaced it but said the vehicle needed a software reset by Ford to make the problem go away. I limped the car home and took it to a Ford dealer who said it was the turbo - the waste gate was seized. Not willing to accept their kindly £1200 quote to replace said turbo, I went to a more accomodating chap who took off the turbo and said it was all moving freely with no obvious faults. He replaced the temp sensor as that was one of the faults shown on the diagnostics and he also replaced 4 fuel valves/controllers of some sort (forgive my ignorance) that he said could also be an issue. None of these made any difference and I am now the best part of £1500 lighter from the various garages and their efforts and the problem remains. On the rare occasion that I have attempted to pass another vehicle (obviously there is very little engine acceleration), a couple of times the engine has cut completely and defaulted to engine idle revs only, like an over=speed limiter has cut in, which has been a bit embarrassing. If I switch the engine off and restart, that particular problem goes away but I am permanently in "limp mode" - the car I mean, not me!!!! I have looked through the forum and the FAQ but to be honest I am a bit bewildered by where to go next. My questions are thus: 1. Does driving in "Limp Mode" cause long term damage or is it merely an inconvenience? (It is permanent, not intermittent). 2. Any other easy fix suggestions to try such as a simple "replace fuse XX"? 3. Is it likely that spraying the "10X" cleaner is going to make a difference? 4. Any advice whatsoever (other than buy a new vehicle)? I love the Galaxy and would only ever replace it with another one but I just need to get this one fixed properly as I am convinced it must be something straight forward. HELP!