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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mawashi77

  1. Hi Davey62, My post was speaking about Galaxy 2 (2002-2006). Ford Galaxy 1 (1996-2002) there are many adapter to maintain stalk controls with brand new headunits. I heard and have looked that you have to connect directly behind steering control buttons, there are a 6 pins square connector, where you have to plug adapter. First you must disasemble plastic parts behind the wheel (not on the wheel) Don't you get installation manual with the adapter ??? Type & search on google Ford galaxy adapter .pdf you will find some manuals that show where is the connector... In case you do not find the way, please keep your wife in the car for remote vocal control headunit. Good luck
  2. Hi, I get a 2004 Ford galaxy with 6000N (CD) factory headunit and steering wheel controls. Because i replace it for an aftermarket Clarion i have lost steering wheel controls. I was busy to find a solution for an interface to get steering wheel controls again. But i did not found it. It seems there is no interface for my Galaxy from any brand (Clarion, Sony, Alpine etc...) Let me know if solution existing !!!! That's why i made it myself. I have done an interface to keep stering wheel controls. This take Data from stering wheel controls via yellow connector (ACP bus) and send infra-red codes to equipments. This is powerfull ! In that way i just now control : -VDO Dayton Headunit (Clarion) -Clarion DVD system -VDO Nav system !!!! 3 systems control with 5 buttons (=15 fonctions) Changing system control is easy by Holding 1" MOD button. If somebody looking for a solution like this, i am able to modify the program for : -Intregrate anybrand IR codes (Clarion, Sony, Alpine, Kenwood, VDO etc.. ) -Intregrate up to 5 system controls. (ex : Audio - Video - Navigation ) -Define fonction for each button. I'm sur that some Galaxy owner's are in same case. Post me a message if you want more infos !
  3. Hi, I get a 2004 Ford galaxy with 6000N (CD) factory headunit and steering wheel controls. Because i replace it for an aftermarket Clarion i have lost steering wheel controls. I was busy to find a solution for an interface to get steering wheel controls again. But i did not found it. It seems there is no interface for my Galaxy from any brand (Clarion, Sony, Alpine etc...) Let me know if solution existing !!!! That's why i made it myself. I have done an interface to keep stering wheel controls. This take Data from stering wheel controls via yellow connector (ACP bus) and send infra-red codes to equipments. This is powerfull ! In that way i just now control : -VDO Dayton Headunit (Clarion) -Clarion DVD system -VDO Nav system !!!! 3 systems control with 5 buttons (=15 fonctions) Changing system control is easy by Holding 1" MOD button. If somebody looking for a solution like this, i am able to modify the program for : -Intregrate anybrand IR codes (Clarion, Sony, Alpine, Kenwood, VDO etc.. ) -Intregrate up to 5 system controls. (ex : Audio - Video - Navigation ) -Define fonction for each button. I'm sur that some Galaxy owner's are in same case. Post me a message if you want more infos !
  4. If you want to connect a PSONE i suggest to check the Input low voltage if 12VDC because on mine is 7.5VDC. (French market) I bought an DC/DC seletable regulator from Uniross, it enable 6 differents Voltage selections between 1.5-12VDC, and invert +-. In that way you can use it to do something else if needed. Forget 12DC/240AC if you can have Low voltage solution. 1/Because 240AC is most dangerous. 2/Because Current drain/transformation lost.
  5. Hi Dally, I understand that you would like to add a steering wheel control for your factory Navsat. I'm proposing the opposite situation : if you GET steering wheel control and want to CHANGE Headunit WITHOUT losting controls I think the best way for you is to ask your ford dealer or somebody else to have a look on Navsat connection Schems. Your factory Navsat is working with external controls solutions : 1/Galaxy multifonction wheel, but you have to buy it, change it. 2/Galaxy multifonction joystick column, certainly an easy solution. Remenber the best solution is to get the Factory solution. If too late, check for upgrade with Factory solution components. Only if no way check for others. Other, Is this Navsat get an Infrared remote option ? Sorry for only give you a direction but not final solution, I did not get Factory Navsat so i cannot check solution with my car. I know that others guys in this forum have Navsat also in their Galaxy, ask them if same case, and solutions. Good luck
  6. Because no way to get an interface for New Galaxy, i do it myself. I done the hardware box, i'm now working on program for
  7. www.soundlinx.co.uk. have not the good one ! 1/No interface for Galaxy. 2/No interface for galaxy after 2001. (ACP bus) 3/No interface for Clarion. For photo I only get one witch is not a best, because not finished !
  8. What beautifull solutions ! Congratulation ! For my hand i have done an other choice... Trow the factory 6000N CD ! MR6000 VDO system with completes options : Head Unit with Radio tuner & LCD (In dash 1) CD changer (In rear box) TV tuner (above passager seat) DVD player (In dash 2) PSone (not fixed) LCD Display (front seat) IR headsets (Upside down) Navigation PC (above passager seat) TMC module (above passager seat) Antenna splitter for Radio&TMC. Antenna GPS/Bi-GSM Antenna TV IR linked bus control But I lost the stering wheel control... at this time. Looking now for this interface solution...
  9. hi guys, I'm not offend ! That's true i'm French man living near Paris, so have to improve my English language a little bit more ! Because i bought a Ford Galaxy 2004. Because this model is using a special data bus for steering wheel remote. Because some interfaces are available for Mondeo, focus (resistor control) ... But not the good one for Galaxy (data bus, ACP Audio Control Protocol) ... Because this protocol is crazy ! 9 bit for first exemple ! Because not able to find a way with manufacturer, installer, and Ford... I'm looking for a solution to interface my stering wheel control with my aftermarket Head unit & DVD system that gets IR remote receivers. So now I have to make it myself !!! For me at first, but why not for somebody else in same case... I'm sure somebody else have replaced factory Head unit for after market one and loosing Stering wheel controls... It could be possible to use it for Galaxy, with any brand Audio system, DVD system, navigation system... that get IR receiver in front ! Is somebody need same solution ? Is somebody already work on it ? Is somebody get solution ? Is somebody knows data codes translations in ACP ? I already get ACP Protocol SAE940142 !
  10. Hi, Is VAG-Com and dongle from skpang working with Galaxy 2004 ? Witch kind of bus is it ? 9600 8N1 ? Is there audio controls in sofware ? Is it compatible with ACP bus (audio control) to read datas ? ACP is 9600 9N1 ! Is somebody already working on ACP bus ? On steering wheel audio controls ?
  11. if you are looking for CD map France i get navtec 2003 for VDO dayton 5000/6000. We have to check compatibility but i think it's ok.
  12. About me i order an Hirschmann GPS 916V flex For bi-band GSM & GPS. It working good. Mounting was a little bit borring, cause there is only one small place to the Hole. Do it best, take time to open and watch the rear hole place !
  13. Ford galaxy 2004 Sure that the cable above the rear right box is it for CD changer (green connector) Sure that the end is connected to Head unit 6000cd (green connector) So it is a bus cable for data & audio between them. But what i don't know is, 2 ends only, or other ones. What would you like to do exactly, add the rear cd changer for 6000cd ? Where is located the dvd player you get ? I read also that is is not possible to have Nav+cd changer and DVD+lcd systems. Reasons could be : 1 because global supply to hight. 2 because place for some parts are the same. 3 using same bus connector. But i think you can have 6000cd+cd changer and DVD+lcd systems.
  14. I'm looking for a solution to interface my stering wheel control (galaxy 2004) with my media system MR6000 (= vrx610/vrx6570 Clarion). Some interface are available but not the good one (Ford to clarion/vdo) Galaxy 2004 is using ACP bus connected to the car radio via pin 1&2 from Yellow 6pin connector ( modular that is plug in 17pin connector at the rear radio ) I would like to get indfos about ACP bus. Is somebody already work on it ? If no help from somebody, I will try to make it myself. I would like to develop an programmable interface that can store code from ACP bus and translate it to an IR code storable by reading infrared code from original IR remote of radio. In this case it could be possible to use it for galaxy or others using ACP bus, with any brand of car radio that get IR receiver in front ! Is somebody already work on a kind of interface ? Is somebody already work on ACP bus ?
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