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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Lyle Waters

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Everything posted by Lyle Waters

  1. Is it 41 for the back when loaded?
  2. Will my 2.3 Galaxy garner the top tax rate ? Only if you bought it after 23/3/2006
  3. As mentoned before, these new 4x4 figures only apply to new cars, no? Vehicles registered on or after 23rd March 2006 Band G Over 225 215.00 118.25 210.00 115.50 200.00 110.00
  4. Yup, mine went today, a couple of clangs and the motor just whirrs. Glad it's still under 3 years old...
  5. Sorry, what is a TIS?
  6. What do you get from your brake pads? Just been in for a service and was expecting them to say 'Pad Change Time, Many $$$$'s Please' but the service report stated: 50% remaining on front pads 40% remaining on rear pads This @ 27,000 miles mostly urban driving still on the original pads. For a car this size I.m well impressed.....
  7. I'm happy with my 2.3 petrol Gal. Two years, two drop links and 2 tyres...
  8. Took the Gal in for it's 30,000 mile service today plus change the drop links... Got a phone call to say the Gals done -
  9. Photo will be nice
  10. Hey, re that PC, you dont work at my IT department. They usually swap out and replace systems that have had floppy disks left in em!
  11. Air conditioning air doesn't come through the rear vents (Not the Handbrake vent) though does it? been meaning to test but after 18 months I still havent checked!
  12. You will probably get a better response than me on this but jus incase: I generally use http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers to search for the model numbers, and upgrades, multi region fixes etc. Good place to start...
  13. I've had 2 Galaxies. Excellent.... Bit lacking on toys but i am not much of a gadget boy anymore. Only this I hate are the drop links banging all the time.
  14. I thought i was going barmy when the radio turned up by itself. Then the wipers stopped when I pulled up at traffic lights. Then the indicators would not turn off for 5 seconds, me sitting like a pratt at a roundabout shoving the stalk up n down trying to stop em flashing. Worst was getting in the car at lunch time for a few minutes kip and the alarm going off 10 minutes later as it armed itself..... Technology - wonderful...hn
  15. If the light shines bright with the ignition turned on but the engine not running it will probly be the alternator..
  16. Mines the same....
  17. Well, service went fine, drop link replaced under warrantee, all in all
  18. Laugh out loud. Not nearly as good as pmsl If you look for white smoke it will explain about the rear heater and certain 'features', its well covered.
  19. Oh, and found the correct thread for the knocking noise. sorry if i double posted. There is a tiny bit of play in the drop link passenger side, booked in next week for service et all... Fantastic site any hows...
  20. Got it booked in for next week - unless its dangerous.
  21. Hmm, Pressing the alarm lock twice works but the doors dont open from the inside. Kinda dangerous if you ask me.
  22. It a zetec on a 03 plate.. Booster I presume then..
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