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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia
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    West Midlands

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  1. Many thanks for the reply Brain, appreciate your time and help. I'll go do that test you recommended to see if the car stalls or not. Am I correct in thinking that a complete replacement clutch for a 2005 Galaxy is around the £600 mark? If that is indeed the case then I think I'd need to scrap the car as it simply wouldn't be cost effective to get it repaired! :(
  2. Hi guys, Hoping someone can please offer some advice on a problem that my wife's 55' plate 2.3 petrol manual Galaxy is having. The car is suffering from a complete lack of power. The car revs normally and you can see ther revs on the rev counter going up and you can change gear okay but the problem is the car is behaving as if there's no power coming through and she's only able to drive at about 15mph and trying to tackle a hill is extremely painful if nigh on impossible! My wife's just explained that the fault feels as if you're driving around having forgotten to take your off the clutch if that additional piece of information might help diagnose where the problem lies? Does anyone please know any tests I can do at home to see where the problem may lie? Huge thanks for reading my post and I'd greatly appreciate any thought's you guys may have. Cheers
  3. Thanks for that Brian, I'm truly grateful for all the help that's been offered on these forums. I'll call an auto electrician to get a quote on how much repairing the door loom wiring is likely to cost, fingers crossed not to much I hope as it can't be a lengthy procedure can it? Anything has got to be better than the quick 'slap some black insulation tape around it' fix that I just barely managed to get around the severed cable due to their being no give whatsoever with the movement of the cables. I'm still chuffed that I can get in and out of the car using the drivers door as I had envisaged at this rate that I was going to end up climbing in through the boot! :)
  4. OK guys I gave the RAC a ring and they guy came out within 45 minutes which I thought was good. I told him the problem and like others have mentioned he said that it would probably mean ripping the door card off and as a garage was likely to charge
  5. The driver's door handle from the inside is pulled in like they appear when they are in the 'lock' poition, if I try to pull on it to try to make it unlock it just does nothing unfortunately no matter how much force I put on it.
  6. Thanks for the reply Brian, when I turn the key in the driver's door it turns as normal and feels no different. It still locks and unlocks all the other doors but not the drivers door. The electric windows on all doors have stopped working again now too so this must be a problem with the door loom wiring again surely? I think you're right in that the door lock has got itself into the deadlock setting but why can't turning the key in the lock fix this? Since I taped up the damaged wires in the door loom last weekend I've only ever used the key fob to unlock the doors. Is there no other way to get a door out of the 'deadlock' setting? I've had to hop over the passenger seat no fewer than 24 times today in total and this problem is really starting to wear me down now. I'm not sure if a call to the RAC might be a good idea? Are they likely to have one of those slim-jim device's that they could use to slide down the side of the window to release the door catch? I really don't fancy taking the door apart myself as I don't want to make matters worse, especially as I really don't know what I'm doing. Any recommendations on the type of tradesperson I need to take a look at this, a lock smith, an auto-electrician etc? Help! Thanks again for the replies, your time and help is really very much appreciated x
  7. Hi guy's, really hoping someone can help me with some advice pretty please! Last weekend all my doors and electric windows stopped working so I dived on to these ever so helpful forums to discover the problem might be with the electric wiring in the drivers door loom. Sure enough it was, a severed cable jumped out at me immediatley so after some struggling I taped it back up (it must have happened before with the previous owner as cables were taped up) and everything was fine again. I did sttruggle though as there wasn't much give in the wiring and I thought that the taping up may only last a while before I had the problem again. Sure enough I now can't use my driver's side door at all, it won't open with either the key or central locking fob and feels like the door catch has 'stuck on' meaning I can't get in or out of my car using the driver's side door :*( I tried disconnecting the battery off for a while but that didn't release the door so I figure it has to be something to do with the door catch itself? If the door wires have broken again could the door catch now be stuck on and that's why my door won't open? I've tried wiggling the key in the drivers door continually for 5 minutes and that did nothing so I don't know what else I can try next. Is there a way (hopefully easy enough) of somehow getting access to the door catch to release it from the inside of the car by removing I'm assuming the door paneling? If so are there any instructions on how to remove the door paneling? I'm really hoping someone can help talk me through what to do as I was recently made redundant and can't afford to take it to the dealer and constantly 'bum hopping' over the gear stick area from seat to seat to get in and out of my car is starting to take it's toll on my back and doesn't look good when you turn up for an interview! (Don't laugh :P) Many thanks in advance and hope some of you technical geniuses out there can help talk me through what I need to do next!! Rach x 2003 Ford Galaxy Mk II 2.3 Petrol
  8. I just had my air-con checked and was told it was full and the problem was that there was nothing coming from the 'compressor'. An auto electrical engineer is looking at the problem on Wednesday and having had a quick look on ebay I'm worried as a compressor would appear to be anywhere from
  9. thanks both - appreciate your replies. I've found a local garage that do car airconditioning servicing so will be trying them. I've given up on trying to fix the parking sensor issue. The button is just stuck - doesnt move when you press it at all and certainly never lights up as I'm told it should do. Just found out that the rear windscreen wash also doesn't work so after reading posts on the forum I'm getting a picture that everybody has the same faults! The previous owner just replaced the shield around the NS front fog light before selling the car but on testing all the lights I've discovered the fog light doesn't work that had the shield replaced on it. Is this an easy job to do myself as I've bought a new bulb, I'm just not sure on how to get to the old bulb to swap it out!. Do I pull the light fitting forward from the front of the grill or pull it backwards or maybe even turn it?!?! Can anyone please advise? Huge thanks again to anyone reading. I love my Galaxy and just want to get as many of the features working as possible :rolleyes: Rach x
  10. Hi all - posting a query in the hope someone can please offer some advice. Just bought a 2003 Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia and the only thing that I can't get working on it are the parking sensors. I didn't have parking sensors on my old Mk1 Galaxy so I'm keen to get these working as we all know us women can't park to save our lives! The parking sensor button doesn't make a noise when pushed in, doesn't change position as in it doesn't stay stuck in or pops back out and there are no light indicators either or the switch or dashboard to say that it is working. Basically it does nothing! I've put it in to reverse gear and tried pressing the button and at no point do I get any 'beeping' or noise from it. Could somebody please tell me how I can get this fixed and what it is I need to look for to determine what the problem is or part that I need to get replaced? Also when the climate control is activated it isn't cold at all and I've heard that garages can 're-gas' car air-con units but does this principle still apply to climate control on the Galaxy? Would gratefully receive any help as I really want to get my new baby on the road with everything working as it should. Many thanks in advance and welcome your guidance - Rach x
  11. Hello nice people of the forums. Just wanted to ask a couple of questions to anyone out there that may have some info and be kind enough to share their insight with me please. I've owned my Mk1 (1998) Galaxy for many years now and absolutley love it - even though I've had multiple problems with it, the most irratating being the rain water in the footwell problem that many of us have experienced. As it's an old car now my local garage drilled some small holes under the footwells to stop the rain water from accumulating but I'm still getting a lot of water accumulating in the clock area (direct centre of the upper windscreen area) which is really annoying as it comes flying out at all angles when you start driving the car after it's rained. I have a sunroof and have had it checked and it seems to be okay and is sealed properly but I'm struggling to find where the drainage pipe is for this that I was told could have become detatched and causes the flooding. Does anybody have any detailed instructions on where this drainage pipe that are straight forward enough that even this 39 year old female can follow!! Also in the past few months my cigar lighter (needed for phone charger etc) has stopped working and also the electric sunroof no longer works. my side lights come on when I use my indicator also so I wanted to ask if these problems are due to the water problem or is it something else that can be easily fixed - any ideas please guys? My last question is I have my eye on a 2003 Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia (as it's 6 years newer than mine!) and I asked the owner if she suffers the same problem with water getting in to the footwells and she said YES!! I was amazed by this and wanted to ask if anybody knows if this is a problem that happens on ALL Galaxy's or was it permanently fixed once and for all on a specific year or model?? What year of Galaxy would I have to buy to ensure I don't suffer the dreaded flooded footwell problem?? Huge thanks to anyone that may be reading and able to answer :)
  12. Hi again Paul and thanks for the info. Mine is a Mk1 petrol 2.3 Ghia. I'm not sure about the Ghia bit though - it feels more like a swimming pool as the drivers footwell is always damp and full of water. Anyway, the bad news - the garage just called and quoted me £250 for a new tensioner, a new pulley and a new belt. They won't budge on the price but it's just come mid-month when funds are tight and they've said they'll keep hold of the car until the end of the month when I can pay them and then they'll do the work or to come and collect it even though I can't drive it due to the steering not working. Definately not having a good day and guess I'll just have to find a way to come up with £250 :*(
  13. My poor old Galaxy has just been towed away by my local garage :( The mechanic had a quick look both under the car and under the bonet and said straight away that the belt is intact but when looking under the car that he could see that "one of the pulleys has collapsed" whatever that means? They've towed the car away to price it up so should I expect a large bill now or can anyone tell me how big a job it is and an approx cost of what to expect? Many thanks again :)
  14. Floydey - please excuse my ignorance but where is the power steering fluid reservoir and should it be full to the top and am I able to buy the stuff to top it up with from a shop?
  15. Thanks for the info Paul. I have just been out to check under the bonnet and noticed that the belt is loose and I could move it using my finger so it is not as tight as it should be. Also when I turned the engine on the belt does not move at all! I am guessing I need to ring a garage and get them to come and collect it as I can't see what else I can try? Big thanks again and thanks for the welcome. Rachael :)
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