As a RAC Patrol I get called to Run Flat Tyres which have only completed 10 or so miles. I must admit you have to take what the driver says with a pinch of salt regarding speed etc. They are supposed to be designed to get you home not run around for days until you can afford a new tyre !!!!!. As a mK3 owner going over to France and Spain soon, I am desperately looking for a spare I can stick in the back. I have 17" alloys with offset 55 and 225/50/R17 tyres. Has anyone found a space saver that will fit? It must clear the brake calipers and be the same rolling diameter. Have been told 2003 Mondeo had 17" space saver but i have not been able to find one to try. Come on guys there are so many of us not happy without a spare if we all make a stink at the dealer maybe they will help us. Think of the safety implications !!!!! 7 persons in Galaxy no spare on Mway / A road after normal hours as a job for me means :- 1. Try to find local 24 hr tyre fitter at XXXX? cost to member plus whatever he wants to charge for Tyre They have you by the short and curleys 2. Ring for a recovery truck or 2 if its a local tow home .Then you have to sort it all out in the morning 3. If lond distance or complicated, Find local hotel to put you up in till sorting out next day etc 4. any variation of the above all because in order to reduce emmissions Ford see fit not to supply a spare In 10+ years I have not seen a single tyre that the glue has managed to sort out But then I am mainly only called out when things go wrong. Has anyone used the glue successfully ? Normal car - roll up fit spare - on your way - have a nice day -bye bye