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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About HalfPint

  • Birthday 06/05/1962

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    Ford Galaxy 2.0 with it's tongue hanging out

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Member (2/8)



  1. just e-mail him or better still ring him at talktomycar he is very helpfull and could just have what you want on the shelf.
  2. I don't know about the drive shaft issues. But My wife was driving our gal about 3 months ago out in the middle of nowhere in the dark in devon and no phone signal. and she heard a load bang and then nothing , you could have the car running and put it into any gear without using the clutch. Got it towed to garage and found out the next day that the clutch had just exploded clutch springs everywhere. I know you said you had a new clutch fitted already but it could be a faulty one sorry!
  3. On the central locking module, press adaption (10) on channel 3 and set bit to 1=on to lock car at 15km/h. To unlock the car at removal of ignition key change channel 4 to 1=on.
  4. sorry but is it possible for someone to answer as 59 people have read it. someone must know were to get dark carpets or do i just buy a bit of shag pile and cut around old one. thanks halfpint
  5. Hi all I am fed up cleaning my beige carpet in the galaxy. Anybody know where i can get a black carpet instead or a dark colour. please help thanks halfpint
  6. hi ya My window unit went a couple of years ago aplastic click broke but had to buy whole unit window unit, it would be the same if the cable went. But here is the good news i went to vw and got the sharan unit it is exactly the same thing and i only paid
  7. Thanks for replying. do you mean the chassis number off the breaker car? or mine which is 96 model. thanks halfpint
  8. Where abouts do you live. As there is a complete galaxy here in devon and his bits are cheap, i'll give him a ring and let you know.
  9. Two things. 1- isn't there a seperate relay that does the intermittent wiper bit 2- years ago on an old car mine stopped working and found it was the wiper motor. on the back of motor where connections are inside there was 3 connections and the intermittent one had blown. but the other two worked fine. Now in this day and age things should be made better so check relay or relay's first. have fun
  10. Member Group: Members Posts: 43 Joined: 20/11/2004 From: devon Member No.: 2,355 Warn: (0%) I have a quick question. I went to the breakers yesterday and they had a galaxy there i think it was a 2.8, but all i won't to know, is the abs pumps and manifold all the same on the galaxy's as he has one for
  11. I have a quick question. I went to the breakers yesterday and they had a galaxy there i think it was a 2.8, but all i won't to know, is the abs pumps and manifold all the same on the galaxy's as he has one for
  12. Had a bit of a dyslexic moment there. should of read pete tong and the other word was commutator. What a PLONKER RODNEY
  13. I don't think it's the ignition switch because as you say it only goes peter tong when the engine is hot, so parts have expanded. Have you thought about checking the starter motor, as i had one donkeys years ago on a different ford were the commuter (the middle spinning bit) of the motor was impregnated with dust from the brushes causing a dead section. pulled apart and cleaned fullly and was fine from then on. You can only try can't you.
  14. Another thing you could try is as your vehicle is an auto. as you turn the key and nothing happens try wriggling the auto gear shift slightly as there is an inhibitor switch to stop you starting the vehicle in gear. As you normally start the vehicle in park try puttting it in neutral and starting the car. Otherwise check the power relays you may have a lazy relay. try giving them all a tap as you turn the vehicle over if it suddenly turns over you will just have to narrow it down till you find the offending bugger.
  15. Also with the vagcom when it gets the list of faults does it have the code description or if not where can i get a full list.
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