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  1. Yeah it has a month left. Just getting fed up with keep going backwards and forwards. Can the dealer after the 3 months say thats it even if the problem hasn't been sorted?
  2. Hi, I've bought an 52 plate 115 bhp TDi auto.It has been one problem after another. I've had probs with Brake fault light coming on, Air Con not working, Rear washer leaking into passenger footwell, Faulty parking sensors, Gearbox leaking oil and power loss. The dealer has repaired the AC, Reattached the rear washer hose, Fitted after market parking sensors, Fixed leak and topped up gearbox oil..... Power loss seems to be the BIG problem. I have read on here and oher places that this a very common fault... Surely something that Ford shoud have sorted out being that so many people have the probem??? I took it in and had a big metal pipe (EGR??) replaced. The dealer said it was full of gunk and had a split. This seemed to sort out for a couple of days. I've now got a noise coming from the turbo. When I accelerate it makes a whisting noise which seems normal but when I take my foot off it makes a rubbing noise like something is rubbing as it spins round in the turbo. This has only occured since the pipe replacement. It looks like power loss can be many things. Faulty MAF, Tmap, Sticking Turbo vane, Splits in pipes, General gunk in any of the hoses and needing to have a good thrash to clear it out..... This did seem to work one day!!! I can be driving the car it gets into 3rd gear I go round a corner and it doesn't drop down a gear I accelerate to get out of the corner and I get no power I can be flat down. I take my foot off put it back on again and it just goes up to 3000+ RPM and does nothing. I have tried disconnecting the MAF to see if there was any difference. The only difference was that the gear changes were quicker but no increase in power. I switch of the ignition and restart and its fine again. Its going to get to the stage where the dealer isn't going to spend any more money I don't want to end up with an old duffer. I've only had the car 2 months now and about 2 weeks of that time the car has been stuck in dealer ship. For all the aggro I love the car as its comfortable spacious etc etc . I just want to get it repaired and need some ideas so I can go back to the dealer and his dodgy mechanics! Thanks.
  3. The car has 77,000. Modulator did not sort out the parking sensor they are oredering new sensors. As for the gear change I have noticed that if I let the car warm up for a bitbefore I pull away it is fine. Or if I pull away while its still cold it has no power I stop the car turn the ignition off and start again and its fine.. Very strange.
  4. I've just bought a 52 plate 1.9TDI Auto (Tiptronic). Already I've had problems with the AC which was fixed by the dealer with a new repositor. Parking sensors not working dealer has a modulator ordered just need to get it fitted. Rear washer wipe pipe loose and leaking in the passenger footwell. See faulty Modulator. I was also getting brake fault errors on the display repaired as a faulty sensor. I've had this car just over a week and now when I drive it goes through the first 3 gears gets to about 30 mph and loses power the revs keep going but the gears will not change. At one point the diesel gauge went from just nder half a tank to just above empty! I pulled over for a few mins and used the tiptronic this seemed to sort out the gears in auto and I got the pull again. tried in later same thing this time using tiptronic doesn't appear to sort it out. Any advice as to what this can be. What could be the ideal family car is ruined by many little faults. I have never had so many probs with a car before and I've had a few!!! The car still has 3 months Warranty on it but a little concerned the dealer will start to blag his way out. Hes tried already having already spent just over 100 pounds. I'm sure the law is well and truly on my side so far as I have gotten straight on the phone when I get a new problem. I've only had the car just over a week and its been in with te dealer for 2 days already... Any help would begreatly appreciated even to let the dealer know so we can try and cut things down easily other than him saying well I can;t find any faults and you know it is a second hand car after all... Thanks for any help. Steve.
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