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Everything posted by Raggedy

  1. Resistor pack changed all working well. Regards Raggers
  2. If that fails, try to work your arm up between the radiator fan and alternator and try to get hold of the bonnet pull outer sheath that runs along the front of the engine compartment behind the front plastic trim. Push/jolt/jerk this towards the Bonnet catch. I managed to do it that way. The outer sheath of my bonnet cable had cracked and deteriorated so once opened I cut away the damaged section of the outer sheath and used the cheap solid type rawl plugs that look like a splined shaft to replace the cut away section. cut them to allow the cable to sit in and then tape them up to for a solid run. Make sure the match the length of the cut away section or your outer sheath will be too short and your bonnet pull will not operate again. Best of Luck Raggers
  3. Are you saying that it is jumping out of the internal bonnet lever in the passenger compartment ? If so dismantle the cable from the lever. Hold tyhe inner cable with a pliers and push the outer core forward towards the engine compartment. This mechanism works not by the pulling of the core cable but the reaction of the outer sheath moving forward. Try that
  4. Any of the following apply ? After cutting out and you try to start again does your glow plug light come on ? if it does then its not the same problem as I had, where the glow plug light would not come on. Left to stand for a while it would come on when the key was turned and engine would then start ok. If these are the symtoms try replacing relay 109. A search on here will give you a lot of inormation cencerning that relay. Regards Raggedy
  5. Hi All, Any suggestions on this one please ? Blower settings not working on 1, 2 and 3. Only operates on setting 4 and will increase in speed when cabin recycle air button is pushed in. Additionally auxilary heater shooting out clouds f smoke but no heat to the rear cabin. Exhuast of auxilary heater hotter than a kettle but still not canbin heat. Yes before any one ask (lol) rear setting is on hot and position for blower with auxilary heater button pushed in and lit. Many thanks for your suggestions Raggedy.
  6. Problem 2 resolved which was the engine cutting out problem and the most dangerous when driving. Started by breaking the circuit of the Camshaft position sensor which as expected cut the engine but did not mimic the fault I was getting as the Glow Plug light would still come on and the engine turned over. So having trawled through a few problems on this site I found an interesting string of problems with Relay 109. So got to the relay (Many thanks to the posters on here who clearly identified its location), removed the cover and and started up the motor. By breaking the contact of the relay and keeping it open I was able to replicate the cutting out problem, ie enigne would turn over but no glow plug light would appear and engine would not fire up. Allowing the relay to make contact would produce the glow plug light and engine would fire up. Many thanks to all the suggestions. Once issue 1 is resolved I will post my findings. Thanks again to all.
  7. Your not alone there, I did exactly the same and yes the casting broke in the end. I managed to get a replacement through that famous auction site. Cost a little less than
  8. To be certain its a siezed linkage, disconnect the linkage arm from the motor and check to see if the motor runs. If it is the linkage the motor will run fine. My linkage was siezed so much I had to remove the full unit to try and free it up. I could not remove the shaft from the housings and ended up buying a replacement linkage assembly. Not cheap sorry.
  9. Check out FAQ's Item 36 full explanation with step by step pictures. Appears you need to drop the fuse box by the steering column to access it.
  10. Reading some of the fixes on this site I'm going to give the relay 30 a try, it has been mentioned that it controls the fuel pump. Thinking about the second fault, fuel starvation would cause the stall at any point during engine running, tickover or motoring. I can't recall any pump noises when I 've tried to start it when I've had to pull over. I'm thinking if the relay was temporarily stuck the engine would crank over but not fire up. Logic says the glow plug warmer must be on a curcuit that identifies fuel entering or it would be heating up fresh air. Does this make sense ?
  11. Its a 90bhp engine so I take it its not a PD engine. Thanks for the info though :-)
  12. Hi All, Please bare with me as this is my first post. I'll try to be as detailed as I can in this post, I think I might have something to baffle you all here. Symtoms for lack of power. Slow steady acceleration with no noticeable turbo kick in. I also have a 1.8 TD Mondeo (V Plate) and can feel a noticeable difference in power when the turbo kicks in with that. Car will achieve 70 mph on on the flat (eventually) but speed will slowly decline on any gradient, to a ponit when I get flashed to pull over by road sweepers :-). So far I have tried the following. Sent Turbo away for investigation - Returned no fault found. Used a donor Galaxy and changed several items individually. Such as MAF, throttle sensor. No difference. Pulled the exhaust (CAT) to check for any blockages. No joy with anything. Second Fault. Loss of Ignition system during engine running. This can occur at any time from warming the engine up on tick over on a cold winters morning, to traveling at 70mph on the motorway ( when I can get that fast with problem one lol). The length of time for ignition loss has been anything from a few seconds, where the rev counter will drop to zero and pick back up again (as the car momentum bump starts the engine). As the rev counter comes back to life the glow plug light will appear for a short time. The longest I have had to wait is about 20 mins before I can restart the car. During that period I can turn the ignition on and off and although other electrics work (engine will turn over), I get no glow plug light and the engine will not fire up. Finally once I turn on the ignition and the glow plug light appears the engine will start up again Any help will be greatly appretiated as the 2 grand government offer is becoming more and more inviting. Just need the rest of the cash to go with it :-).
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