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    ford galaxy 1.9 tdi ghia
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    South East

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  1. but it has had a new impeller and stat a year ago thats what i dont understand i have a bill here from the previous owner and its sais its had the upgrade impeller which is the new metal 1 unless the garage are full of crap as i took the stat out and there is no way its only a year old
  2. i think i have found the problem thermostat,took the old one out and at the moment running the car wihout one 2 days now and aint lost a drop of water yet,so down to frauds for a new one monday morning.
  3. its driving me mad i took it for a 100 mile journey the other day and it was okay til i got about 5 miles from home and the gauge went up to 3/4 but dropped down when the fans cut in but i am running it with no stat as i put a new one in the other day and only got about 10 miles up the road and it went straight to red,its had 2 pressure tests done by 2 different garages and it has also had a new stat and metal impeller last year but it aint overheating if i drive around town all day ,check the water and you can see round the battery tray that it is wet obviously throwing the water out the exspansion bottle,if i check it i need to top it up with about 2 pints of water
  4. Hi turk90210 Jay01438 did not say if the engine was running or not when the 'pressure test was done' - it could still be the gasket!!. i know everybody wants to give the best advice - and to be honest changing the waterpump is a safer option than trying to replacing the head gasket. Big blue. yes mate the pressure test was done hot thats the second test done now by 2 different garages at the moment im running it with no stat and i done a 100 mile journey the other day and it was okay until i was about 5 mile from home and the temprature gauge crept up to 3/4 but then it dropped back down to half but when i put the new stat it i got about 10 miles up the road and it shot straight into the red,i have a bill here from the previous owner who had the new metal impeller fitted and a new stat a year ago surely it wouldnt go again that quick
  5. i have just been looking at the bills i got with the car and it has had the water pump done as well as a new thermostat about a year ago as well as a pressure test done it seems like it has had a ongoing problem and the pump has had the metal upgrade.
  6. yes mate used radfush,new antifreeze
  7. i had the system pressure tested at a local garage,took the cap of the exspansion tank and pumped air into the system and it sat on 2 bar for about twenty minutes and never budged,he also checked the flow of water coming in the top of the header tank and said it looks okay,but i have watched it myself and it aint a constant flow its a bit spitty,i put a new thermostat in the other day as well as flushing the system and new antifreeze but 10 miles up the motor way the temprature gauge shot to 3/4s,so i took the thermostat out again and used it yesterday to do 100 mile journey and it was okay,but near home it did start to creep up,any help would be much appreciated and have you any idea how much a pump is fitted cheers
  8. no rear heater works fine as well
  9. i have a ford galaxy 1.9 tdi 2000 plate,i have had it for a few months and it keeps boiling water in the header tank and throwing it all out,now i have had it pressure tested twice and no problems with the head gasket or water pump,i ahave put a new cap on the header tank and still the same,so i took the thermostat out all together for 3 days and it run like a dream never lost a drop of water so today i put a new thermostat in flushed the system,new antifreeze and yes the water temp jumped to the red again after being on the motorway for about 10 miles,but this time the computer did say stop and check coolant which it would normally do,both fans work fine has anyone got any ideas as i am stuck i would drive it of a cliff but i dont live near any and it would overheat if i drove to cornwall ,please help
  10. i think i have found the problem thermostat,took the old one out and at the moment running the car wihout one 2 days now and aint lost a drop of water yet,so down to frauds for a new one monday morning.
  11. i will wait till i get home weekend and will fit the new stat and refill how spacecowboy says droppring the hose off the bottom of the rad. fingers crossed. will report back asap. cheers for the info :unsure: hello mate i have the same problem keeps kettling and throwing all the water out,just had it pressure tested as i thought it might be the head gasket but no problem with that it held the pressure no problem,i have just taken the thermostat out and its not a ford one it vw audi so i have put it back together without a thermostat and see how it goes will get back and let you know.
  12. hello everyone i have a ford galaxy 1.9 tdi 2000 plate i want to change my thermostat does anyone have the fogyest were it is ,i have looked everywere ,i see something on the right hand side of the engine about half way down the block but it looks to small,anyone have any ideas cheers
  13. hello mate did you get your galaxy sorted i have the same problem mine is kettling and throwing all the water as well
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